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Environmental Impact Assessment in Climbing Activities: A New Method to Develop a Sustainable Tourism in Geological and Nature Reserves


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Enhancing the natural and geological heritage means contributing to creating the conditions for sustainable development in the context of environmental tourism and encouraging the spread of geotourism. The large availability of rock outcrops present in Sardinia (Italy) and the recent increasing interest for outdoor tourism have led to the promotion of mountaineering activities and the creation of sports facilities aimed at the use of the rocky areas of the territory. Many of these are normally designed and built on a voluntary basis, usually without authorization, on rocky structures (such as geosites), or areas which are relevant from a naturalistic point of view or because they are part of the landscape. As highlighted by studies on birds by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) and by the same Italian Alpine Club, such sports facilities can damage the environment if they are not properly regulated. The present study develops a new method to tackle the planning of mountaineering sports facilities such as these and to evaluate their impact, with a particular attention on protected areas and officially recognized geosites. This study examines which conducts are compatible with the protection of geosites and their habitat when using these sport facilities, without neglecting the development and economic growth of the territory.



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