首页> 外文期刊>Global ecology and biogeography >Systematic variation in North American tree species abundance distributions along macroecological climatic gradients

Systematic variation in North American tree species abundance distributions along macroecological climatic gradients


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Aim The species abundance distribution (SAD) is a fundamental pattern in macroecology. Understanding how SADs vary spatially, and identifying the variables that drive any change, is important from a theoretical perspective because it enables greater understanding of the factors that underpin the relative abundance of species. However, precise knowledge on how the form of SADs varies across large (continental) scales is limited. Here, we use the shape parameter of the gambin distribution to assess how meta-community-scale SAD shape varies spatially as a function of various climatic variables and dataset characteristics. Location Eastern North America (ENA). Time period Present day. Major taxa studied Trees. Methods Using an extensive continental-scale dataset of 863,930 individual trees in plots across ENA sampled using a standardized method, we use a spatial regression framework to examine the effect of temperature and precipitation on the form of the SAD. We also assess whether the prevalence of multimodality in the SAD varies spatially across ENA as a function of temperature and precipitation, in addition to other sample characteristics. Results We found that temperature, precipitation and species richness can explain two-thirds of the variation in tree SAD form across ENA. Temperature had the largest effect on SAD shape, and it was found that increasing temperature resulted in more logseries-like SAD shapes (i.e. SADs with a relatively higher proportion of rarer species). We also found spatial variation in SAD multimodality as a function of temperature and species richness. Main conclusions Our results indicate that temperature is a key environmental driver governing the form of ENA tree meta-community-scale SADs. This finding has implications for our understanding of local-scale variation in tree abundance and suggests that niche factors and environmental filtering are important in the structuring of ENA tree communities at larger scales.
机译:目的,物种丰富分布(SAD)是宏观学中的基本模式。了解SADS如何在空间上变化,并识别推动任何变化的变量,从理论上是重要的,因为它能够更好地理解支撑物种相对丰富的因素。但是,关于如何悲伤形式在大(大陆)尺度上变化的精确知识是有限的。在这里,我们使用甘蓝分布的形状参数来评估元社区尺度悲伤形状如何在各种气候变量和数据集特征的函数时空间变化。位置东部北美(ENA)。时间段现在。主要的分类群学习了树木。方法使用广泛的大陆级数据集使用标准化方法对ena进行采样的ZHOA中的863,930个单个树木,我们使用空间回归框架来检查温度和降水对悲伤形式的影响。除了其他样本特征之外,还可以评估悲伤中悲伤中多模的患病率是否在空间上随温度和沉淀的函数而变化。结果我们发现,温度,降水和物种丰富度可以解释ena横跨树木悲伤形式的三分之二。温度对悲伤的形状具有最大的影响,发现温度越来越多地导致更多的Logseries - 类似的悲伤形状(即,具有比例较高的罕见物种比例的悲伤)。我们还发现悲伤多模的空间变化作为温度和物种丰富的功能。主要结论我们的结果表明,温度是一个关键的环境司机,管理ENA树Meta-Community-Scale Sads的形式。这一发现对我们对树丰度的本地规模变化的理解有影响,并表明利基因素和环境过滤在更大的尺度上的ena树社区的结构中很重要。



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