首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Mathematical Physics >Reconstruction of the Magnetic Particle Imaging System Matrix Using Symmetries and Compressed Sensing

Reconstruction of the Magnetic Particle Imaging System Matrix Using Symmetries and Compressed Sensing


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Magnetic particle imaging (MPI) is a tomographic imaging technique that allows the determination of the 3D spatial distribution of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles. Due to the complex dynamic nature of these nanoparticles, a time-consuming calibration measurement has to be performed prior to image reconstruction. During the calibration a small delta sample filled with the particle suspension is measured at all positions in the field of view where the particle distribution will be reconstructed. Recently, it has been shown that the calibration procedure can be significantly shortened by sampling the field of view only at few randomly chosen positions and applying compressed sensing to reconstruct the full MPI system matrix. The purpose of this work is to reduce the number of necessary calibration scans even further. To this end, we take into account symmetries of the MPI system matrix and combine this knowledge with the compressed sensing method. Experiments on 2D MPI data show that the combination of symmetry and compressed sensing allows reducing the number of calibration scans compared to the pure compressed sensing approach by a factor of about three.
机译:磁性粒子成像(MPI)是一种层析成像技术,可以确定超顺磁性氧化铁纳米粒子的3D空间分布。由于这些纳米颗粒的复杂的动力学性质,必须在图像重建之前执行耗时的校准测量。在校准期间,在将重建颗粒分布的视场中的所有位置上,将测量一个充满颗粒悬浮液的小增量样品。最近,已经显示出可以通过仅在几个随机选择的位置采样视场并应用压缩感测来重建完整的MPI系统矩阵,从而大大缩短校准过程。这项工作的目的是进一步减少必要的校准扫描次数。为此,我们考虑了MPI系统矩阵的对称性,并将此知识与压缩传感方法结合起来。在2D MPI数据上进行的实验表明,与纯压缩传感方法相比,对称和压缩传感的组合可以将校准扫描的次数减少大约三倍。



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