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Prosocial thinkers and the social transmission of justice


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Feeling the sting of another's injustice is a common human experience. We adopt a motivated information processing approach and explore how individual differences in social motives (e.g., high vs. low collectivism) and epistemic motives (e.g., high vs. low need for closure) drive individuals' evaluative and behavioral reactions to the just and unjust treatment of others. In two studies, one in the laboratory (N=78) and one in the field (N=163), we find that the justice treatment of others has a more profound influence on the attitudes and behaviors of prosocial thinkers, people who are chronically higher (vs. lower) in collectivism and lower (vs. higher) in the need for closure. In all, our results suggest that chronically higher collectivism and a lower need for closure work in concert to make another's justice relevant to personal judgment and behavior.
机译:感觉彼此不公正的刺痛是一种普遍的人类经历。 我们采用了动机信息处理方法,探讨了社会动机(例如,高与低集体主义)和认知动机(例如,高与闭合需要的人)的差异如何驱动个人的评价和行为反应的立即和不公正 治疗他人。 在两项研究中,一个在实验室(n = 78)和领域中的一个(n = 163),我们发现他人对令人悠久的思想家的态度和行为的影响更为深远的影响,他们是长期的 在需要关闭的情况下,集体主义的更高(与下部)和更低(与更高的)。 总的来说,我们的结果表明,长期更高的集体主义和较低的闭幕需求与音乐会一起工作,以使另一个与个人判断和行为相关的正义。



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