首页> 外文期刊>Eurasian Soil Science >Lanthanides in Soils of the Cherepovets Steel Mill Impact Zone

Lanthanides in Soils of the Cherepovets Steel Mill Impact Zone


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Contents of different lanthanide forms in soddy-calcareous soils at different distances from the Cherepovets steel mill (Vologda oblast) have been studied. Increased contents of Pr and Tb are found in soils near the pollution source. Less manifested increases in the contents of other lanthanides (from La to Gd) are also observed. Along with the increase in total content, technogenic pollution increases the content of acid-soluble lanthanides and affects their degree of extraction. The residual fraction strongly bound to aluminosilicates contains 80 to 95% of lanthanides. Soil processes result in the partial binding of lanthanides with organic matter (5-18% of their total content) and Fe and Mn (hydr)oxides (0.1-5% of the total content). The individual properties of lanthanides are clearly manifested in their interaction with these soil components. The highest share of the fraction bound to organic matter contains medium lanthanides, and the highest share of the fraction bound to Fe and Mn (hydr)oxides contains heavy lanthanides.
机译:研究了不同距离的不同距离的不同距离的不同镧系元素的含量,从Cherepovets钢厂(Vologda Oblast)。 PR和TB的增加的含量在污染源附近的土壤中发现。还观察到较少表现在其他镧系里的含量(来自LA至Gd)的增加。随着总含量的增加,介绍污染增加了酸溶镧系的含量,并影响其萃取程度。对硅硅酸盐强烈束缚的残留级分含有80至95%的镧系元素。土壤方法导致镧系有机质(总含量为5-18%)和Fe和Mn(氢)氧化物(总含量的0.1-5%)的部分结合。镧系元素的各个性质明显表现出与这些土壤成分的相互作用。与有机物质结合的级分的最高份额含有培养基镧系元素,与Fe和Mn(氢)氧化物结合的级分的最高份额含有重镧系元素。



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