首页> 外文期刊>Eurasian Soil Science >Extractable Al and Si Compounds in Pale-Podzolic Soils of the Central Forest Reserve: Contents and Distribution along the Profile and by Size Fractions

Extractable Al and Si Compounds in Pale-Podzolic Soils of the Central Forest Reserve: Contents and Distribution along the Profile and by Size Fractions


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The profile distributions of oxalate- and pyrophosphate-soluble Al compounds and oxalate-soluble Si compounds in the main horizons of pale-podzolic soils of the Central Forest Reserve and the fractions 1. 1-5, and > 5 mu m have been considered. In the clay-eluvial part of soil profile, the content of these compounds is differentiated by the eluvial-illuvial type with a clear accumulation in the EL horizon compared to the AEL horizon. This distribution is largely ensured by their differentiation in the clay and fine silt fractions, while an accumulative distribution of mobile Al compounds is observed in fractions > 5 mu m. The high correlation between the Al and Si contents in the Tamm extracts from the clay and fine silt fractions with the (Al-ox - Al-py)/Si-ox molar ratios, which are in the range of 1-3 in the EL horizon, confirms that mobile compounds are accumulated in these fractions in the form of amorphous aluminosilicates. In the AEL and EL horizons, an additional amount of Al can pass into the oxalate solution from the fine fractions due to the dissolution of Al hydroxide interlayers of soil chlorites. The eluvial-illuvial distribution of mobile Al and Si compounds typical for Al-Fe-humus podzols within the clay-illuvial part of profiles of the soils under study can be considered as an example of superimposed evolution.
机译:在中央森林储备的苍白豆泥土土壤的主要视野中,草酸和焦磷酸盐 - 可溶性Al化合物和草酸盐可溶性Si化合物的轮廓分布及其颗粒物曲线的主要视野。 1. 1-5,和> 5亩m已被考虑。在土壤曲线的粘土部分中,与均衡型相比,这些化合物的含量通过胰岛裂菌型分化,并在EL Horizo​​ n中积累。通过它们在粘土和细淤泥级分中的分化来大部分确保该分布,而在级分>5μm中观察到移动Al化合物的累积分布。来自粘土和细淤泥馏分的TAMM提取物中的A1和Si含量与(Al-al-al-Py)/ Si-Ox摩尔比的高相关,这在EL中的1-3范围内地平线,证实移动化合物以非晶硅酸盐的形式积聚在这些级分中。在AEL和EL视野中,由于土壤氯化物的Al氢氧化物层间溶解,额外量的Al可以从细部分中通过细部分进入草酸盐溶液。在研究中粘土中粘土型曲线内的Al-Fe-Humus Podzols的典型的胰岛和Si化合物的胰岛素裂化分布可以被认为是叠加的进化的一个例子。



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