首页> 外文期刊>Eurasian Soil Science >Effect of Soil Density, Tensile Strength, and Water Infiltration on the Rupture Rate of Interaggregate Bonds

Effect of Soil Density, Tensile Strength, and Water Infiltration on the Rupture Rate of Interaggregate Bonds


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The effect of density of monofraction samples from the plow horizon of leached chernozem on the rupture rate of interaggregate bonds in water has been studied. The rupture rate of bonds has been determined in a hydraulic flume by alternating passive phases of 1-5 min in duration, during which the sample occurs under a nonmoving water layer, with short (15-s long) active phases with a water flow in the flume. Samples have also been tested for tensile strength and water infiltration rate. It has been shown that the rupture rate of interaggregate bonds is related by a hyperbolic law to the soil density and by an exponential law to the rate of water infiltration to the soil. The latter relationship varies within a year and, hence, can be used as reliable parameter for predicting the seasonal dynamics of soil erodibility.
机译:研究了单重量样品密度从浸出的Chernozem犁地平线上的影响,研究了水中的互动键的破裂率。 通过持续时间1-5分钟的无源相,在液压水下测定键的破裂速率,在此期间,在非加热水层下发生样品,具有短(15-S长)活跃的水流 水槽。 还测试了样品的拉伸强度和水渗透速率。 已经表明,互动键的破裂率是由双曲法与土壤密度的双曲法相关,并通过指数法对土壤的水浸润速度有关。 后一种关系在一年内变化,因此可以用作预测土壤易用的季节性动态的可靠参数。



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