首页> 外文期刊>Endocrinology >Gonadal Hormone-Dependent Sexual Differentiation of a Female-Biased Sexually Dimorphic Cell Group in the Principal Nucleus of the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis in Mice

Gonadal Hormone-Dependent Sexual Differentiation of a Female-Biased Sexually Dimorphic Cell Group in the Principal Nucleus of the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis in Mice


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We recently reported a female-biased sexually dimorphic area in the mouse brain in the boundary region between the preoptic area and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST). We reexamined this area and found that it is a ventral part of the principal nucleus of the BNST (BNSTp). The BNSTp is a male-biased sexually dimorphic nucleus, but the ventral part of the BNSTp (BNSTpv) exhibits female-biased sex differences in volume and neuron number. The volume and neuron number of the BNSTpv were increased in males by neonatal orchiectomy and decreased in females by treatment with testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, or estradiol within 5 days after birth. Sex differences in the volume and neuron number of the BNSTpv emerged before puberty. These sex differences became prominent in adulthood with increasing volume in females and loss of neurons in males during the pubertal/adolescent period. Prepubertal orchiectomy did not affect the BNSTpv, although prepubertal ovariectomy reduced the volume increase and induced loss of neurons in the female BNSTpv. In contrast, the volume and neuron number of male-biased sexually dimorphic nuclei that are composed of mainly calbindin neurons and are located in the preoptic area and BNST were decreased by prepubertal orchiectomy but not affected by prepubertal ovariectomy. Testicular testosterone during the postnatal period may defeminize the BNSTpv via binding directly to the androgen receptor and indirectly to the estrogen receptor after aromatization, although defeminization may proceed independently of testicular hormones in the pubertal/adolescent period. Ovarian hormones may act to feminize the BNSTpv during the pubertal/adolescent period. A male-biased sexually dimorphic nucleus contains a cell group showing female-biased sex differences. This cell group is sexually differentiated by perinatal and pubertal gonadal hormones.
机译:我们最近报道了在偏见区域和Stria末端(BNST)之间的边界区域之间的小鼠脑中的女性偏见的性倍数区域。我们重新审视了这一领域,发现它是BNST(BNSTP)的主要细胞核的腹部。 BNSTP是一种雄性偏见的性二核核,但BNSTP(BNSTPV)的腹部呈现女性偏见的性别差异和神经元数。 NNSTPV的体积和神经元数在新生睾丸切除术中的血液中增加,并通过用睾酮,二氢睾酮或雌二醇在出生后5天内通过治疗。在青春期之前出现的BNSTPV的体积和神经元数量的性差异。这些性别差异在成年期突出,在青春期/青少年期间,在女性和雄性中的神经元损失增加,突出。 Prepubertal orcorioctomy没有影响BNStPV,尽管预接种卵巢切除术减少了体积增加并在女性BNSTPV中引起神经元的丧失。相反,由Prepubertal orchioctomy(Prepubertal Ovariectomy)降低了由Calbindin神经元组成的男性偏置性尿素和位于偏见区域和BNST中的雄性偏见性核细胞核的体积和神经元数。在后期的睾丸睾酮可以通过直接与雄激素受体直接结合,并且在芳ompatization之后间接地将BNSTPV直接结合,尽管小脑化可以独立于青春期/青春期的睾丸激素进行。卵巢激素可以在青春期/青少年期间对BNSTPV进行女性化。雄性偏见的性二核核含有细胞组,显示女性偏见的性别差异。该细胞组是由围产期和青春期性腺激素性分化的。



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