首页> 外文期刊>Ecology: A Publication of the Ecological Society of America >Contribution by vertebrates to seed dispersal effectiveness in the Galapagos Islands: a community-wide approach

Contribution by vertebrates to seed dispersal effectiveness in the Galapagos Islands: a community-wide approach


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Seed dispersal and seedling recruitment are crucial phases in the life cycle of all spermatophyte plants. The net contribution of seed dispersers to plant establishment is known as seed dispersal effectiveness (SDE) and is defined as the product of a quantitative (number of seeds dispersed) and a qualitative (probability of recruitment) component. In Galapagos, we studied the direct contribution to SDE (number of seeds dispersed and effect on seedling emergence) provided by the five island groups of frugivores (giant tortoises, lizards, medium-sized passerine birds, small non-finch passerine birds, and finches) in the two main habitats in this archipelago: the lowland and the highland zones, and found 16 vertebrate species dispersing 58 plant species. Data on frequency of occurrence of seeds in droppings and number of seeds dispersed per unit area produced contrasting patterns of seed dispersal. Based on the former, giant tortoises and medium-sized passerines were the most important seed dispersers. However, based on the latter, small non-finch passerines were the most important dispersers, followed by finches and medium-sized passerines. The effect of disperser gut passage on seedling emergence varied greatly depending on both the disperser and the plant species. Although the contribution to SDE provided by different disperser guilds changed across plant species, medium-sized passerines (e.g., mockingbirds) provided a higher contribution to SDE than lava lizards in 10 out of 16 plant species analysed, whereas lava lizards provided a higher contribution to SDE than birds in five plant species. While both the quantitative and qualitative components addressed are important, our data suggests that the former is a better predictor of SDE in the Galapagos archipelago.
机译:种子分散和幼苗募集是所有精子植物生命周期中的关键阶段。种子分散剂对植物建立的净贡献称为种子分散效果(SDE),被定义为定量(分散的种子数量)和定性(招生概率)组分的产物。在加拉帕戈斯,我们研究了五个岛屿群体(巨型龟,蜥蜴,中型Passerine鸟类,小型非芬哲雀形鸟类和芬哲所提供的对SDE(分散的种子数量)的直接贡献(分散的种子和苗木出现的影响) )在这个群岛的两个主要栖息地:低地和高地地区,发现16种脊椎动物分散了58种植物物种。关于粪便种子发生频率的数据和分散的种子数为单位面积分散的种子数产生了种子分散的对比模式。基于前者,巨型龟和中尺寸的侧友是最重要的种子分散者。然而,基于后者,小型非雀旁雀笼是最重要的分散者,其次是雀科和中型旁角。分散器肠道通道对幼苗出现的影响取决于分散器和植物物种的大大变化。虽然不同的分散器协会提供的SDE的贡献,但在植物物种中,中尺寸的旁角(例如,模拟鸟类)为SDE提供了更高的贡献,而不是16种植物物种中10种植物物种中的10种,而熔岩蜥蜴为其提供了更高的贡献SDE比五种植物种类的鸟类。虽然所解决的定量和定性组件都很重要,但我们的数据表明,前者是加拉帕戈斯群岛中的SDE更好的预测因素。



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