首页> 外文期刊>East Asian science, technology and society: an international journal >Kanamori, Osamu 金森修,ed.9 Shōwa zenki no kagaku shisōshi 昭和前期の科学思想史[Essays on the History of Scientific Thought in Modern Japan: From 1920 to 1960] Tokyo: Keisō Shobō, 2011.432 pp. ¥5,400. Kanamori, Osamu 金森修,ed., Shōwa kōki no kagaku shisōshi 昭和後期の科学思想史[Essays on the History of Scientific Thought in Modern Japan: From 1940 to 1980] Tokyo: Keisō Shobō, 2016. 560 pp. ¥7,000.

Kanamori, Osamu 金森修,ed.9 Shōwa zenki no kagaku shisōshi 昭和前期の科学思想史[Essays on the History of Scientific Thought in Modern Japan: From 1920 to 1960] Tokyo: Keisō Shobō, 2011.432 pp. ¥5,400. Kanamori, Osamu 金森修,ed., Shōwa kōki no kagaku shisōshi 昭和後期の科学思想史[Essays on the History of Scientific Thought in Modern Japan: From 1940 to 1980] Tokyo: Keisō Shobō, 2016. 560 pp. ¥7,000.

机译:Kanamori,Osamu Osamu Kanamori,Ed.9ShìwaZenki No KagakuShisęshi昭和的科学智慧历史[近代日本科学思想史上的散文:从1920年到1960年] Tokyo:..KeisùShobō,2011.432 PP¥5,400 Kanamori,。 Osamu Osamu Kanamori,Ed,ShìwaKōkino kagakushisřshishowa在科学思想中举行,[散文论近日日本的科学思想史:从1940年到1980年] Tokyo :.KeisùShobō,2016. 560 PP¥7,000。

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The late Kanamori Osamu pushed against historical and philosophical boundaries in his extensive scientific writings. His recent series of edited volumes brings together a cross-section of historians and philosophers of science, technology, and medicine. Over the course of thirteen essays and close to a thousand pages, the volumes' contributors pursue the twentieth-century transformation of scientific disciplines in Japan alongside shifts in Japanese-language studies on the history and philosophy of science.
机译:在他广泛的科学着作中,奥马里奥萨马莫马苏莫武推动了历史和哲学界限。 他最近的一系列编辑卷汇集了历史学家和科学,技术和医学哲学家的横截面。 在十三篇文章和近千页上的课程中,卷的贡献者追求日本的二十世纪科学学科的转变,与科学历史和哲学的日语研究转变。



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