首页> 外文期刊>Acta theriologica >Habitat utilization by sympatric European mink Mustela lutreola and polecats Mustela putorius in south-western France

Habitat utilization by sympatric European mink Mustela lutreola and polecats Mustela putorius in south-western France


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The European mink Mustela lutreola Linnaeus, 1761 and the European polecat Mustela putorius Linnaeus, 1758 are related species sympatric in southwestern France. The European mink is rapidly disappearing whereas the polecat maintains good populations. Seasonal habitat use of both species was compared in the Landes de Gascogne region to identify if some vulnerability factors of the European mink were associated with habitats occupied by this mustelid. Potential habitats were mapped using a satellite picture and 12 main types of habitats were defined. Animal locations were recorded by radiotracking 9 European mink and 14 polecats from March 1996 to August 1999. Resting animals were located by triangulation, and, when possible, resting places were described. Animals in activity were tracked by continuous monitoring. Data collected revealed a strong preference of European mink for flooded habitats, particularly open marshes, flooded woodlands and moorlands. They seldom left the corridor of the riparian forest and their resting places were mainly in flooded environments, above ground (under herbs or bushes) or in cavities between tree roots. European polecats were less tightly linked to wetlands. Most of their locations were in the pine forests outside the valleys and their resting places were mainly in burrows. The strong specialisation of European mink in aquatic habitats is probably one of the main reasons for its decline because wetlands suffer drastic damages throughout all of its range. Maintaining adequate water levels is crucial for satisfying habitat requirements of mink.
机译:欧洲貂貂,1761年的鼬鼬和欧洲貂鼬,1758年的鼬鼠,是法国西南部的同属物种。欧洲的貂皮正在迅速消失,而山猫则保持着良好的种群。在Landes de Gascogne地区比较了这两种物种的季节性栖息地使用情况,以确定欧洲水貂的某些易感性因素是否与该鼬类所占据的栖息地有关。使用卫星图片绘制了潜在的栖息地,并定义了12种主要的栖息地类型。从1996年3月至1999年8月,通过无线电追踪9只欧洲貂皮和14只猫咪记录了动物的位置。通过三角测量法对静止的动物进行了定位,并在可能的情况下描述了静止的地方。通过连续监测跟踪活动中的动物。收集到的数据表明,欧洲貂皮对洪水泛滥的栖息地,尤其是开阔的沼泽地,洪水泛滥的林地和高沼地具有强烈的偏好。他们很少离开河岸森林的走廊,休息的地方主要是在洪水泛滥的环境中,地上(草药或灌木丛下)或树根之间的空洞中。欧洲的臭鼬与湿地的联系不那么紧密。他们的大部分地方都在山谷外的松树林中,它们的休息地主要在洞穴中。欧洲貂皮在水生生境中的高度专业化可能是其下降的主要原因之一,因为湿地在整个范围内都遭受了严重破坏。维持充足的水位对于满足水貂的生境要求至关重要。



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