首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Thermal Sciences >Analytical solution of Fourier and non-Fourier heat transfer in longitudinal fin with internal heat generation and periodic boundary condition

Analytical solution of Fourier and non-Fourier heat transfer in longitudinal fin with internal heat generation and periodic boundary condition


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AbstractIn this paper, the analytical solution of Fourier and non-Fourier model of heat transfer in longitudinal fin in presence of internal heat generation has been studied under periodic boundary condition. The whole analysis is given in dimensionless form. These two mathematical models have been solved analytically, using Laplace transform technique. Temperature distribution in longitudinal fin is measured using residual theorem in complex plane for the inverse Laplace transform technique. Thermal wave nature is appeared for small value ofFo. The longitudinal fin temperature is evaluated for different value of parameters with respect to space coordinate. The effect of variability of different parameters on temperature distribution in fin is studied in detailed. It has been observed that the cooling process is faster in non-Fourier model in comparison to Fourier model.Highlights?Fourier and non-Fourier model of heat conduction have been studied under periodic boundary condition.?Laplace transform and its inversion technique is used in the analytical solution.?Thermal wave nature I fin temperature is appeared for small value of Fo.?Temperature distribution in fin is different in unsteady state while it is same in steady state.?The cooling process is faster in non-Fourier heat conduction model in comparison to Fourier heat conduction model.]]>
机译:<![CDATA [ 抽象 在本文中,在存在的纵向翅片中的傅里叶和非傅立叶型号的分析解决方案在周期性边界条件下研究了内部发热。整体分析以无量纲形式给出。通过拉普拉斯变换技术在分析上解决了这两个数学模型。纵向翅片中的温度分布在逆拉普拉斯变换技术中使用复杂平面中的残余定理测量。出现热波性的少量 F O 。对于空间坐标,对参数的不同值进行评估纵向鳍温度。详细研究了不同参数变异性对翅片温度分布的影响。已经观察到与傅里叶模型相比,冷却过程在非傅立叶模型中更快。 亮点 在周期性边界条件下研究了傅里叶和非傅立叶型的热传导模型。 拉普拉斯变换及其反转技术在分析解决方案中使用。< / ce:para> 热浪自然I鳍温度出现了侵蚀的少数。 鳍片中的温度分布在不稳定状态下不同,而稳定状态也是相同的。 冷却过程与傅里叶导热模型相比,冷却过程更快,与傅里叶导热模型相比模型。 ]]>



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