首页> 外文期刊>International journal of STD & AIDS >Multiple sclerosis and HIV: a case of multiple sclerosis-immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome associated with antiretroviral therapy initiation

Multiple sclerosis and HIV: a case of multiple sclerosis-immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome associated with antiretroviral therapy initiation


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Studies have suggested that the incidence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in HIV-infected (HIV+) patients is lower than that of the general population. Here, we present a case of MS in an HIV+ patient with a relatively suppressed CD4 cell count who developed clinical and radiographic disease worsening in the setting of antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation. A 47-year-old HIV+ woman (CD4 cell count 216cells/mu l) presented with decreased vision in her right eye. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed optic nerve enhancement and open ring-enhancing lesions in the brain concerning for demyelinating disease. Cerebrospinal fluid was tested extensively for infection and malignancy with no abnormal findings. She received five days of intravenous methylprednisolone. Nine days later, she was restarted on ART. Three weeks later, she was readmitted with left eye vision loss and left hemiplegia (CD4 cell count 342cells/mu l). Repeat imaging showed multiple new enhancing lesions. Several cases have described severe MS relapses and unusually widespread demyelinating lesions on MRI after withdrawal of immunosuppressive drugs. We posit that the clinical and radiographic progression that occurred in our patient after initiation of ART represented an immune reconstitution response to ART. Caution may be warranted when initiating ART in HIV+ patients with suppressed CD4 cell count and active MS.
机译:研究表明,艾滋病毒感染(HIV +)患者的多发性硬化(MS)的发病率低于一般人群。在这里,我们在HIV +患者中提出了一种具有相对抑制的CD4细胞计数的MS的情况,该CD4细胞计数在发生抗逆转录病毒治疗(ART)启动的环境中产生恶化的临床和放射线疾病。一个47岁的艾滋病毒+女性(CD4细胞计数216cells / mu l)呈现出右眼的视觉下降。磁共振成像(MRI)揭示了视神经增强和开放式环节增强症的脱髓鞘疾病。脑脊髓液被广泛测试,用于感染和恶性肿瘤,没有异常发现。她收到了五天的静脉注射甲基己酮。九天后,她在艺术上重新开始。三周后,她被左眼视觉丧失和左偏瘫(CD4细胞计数342cells / mu L)。重复成像显示多种新的增强病变。几种病例描述了在免疫抑制药物戒断后MRI复发和异常普遍地广泛地普遍地普遍存在的脱髓鞘。在发起艺术发起后,我们患者发生的临床和放射线摄入的问题代表了对艺术的免疫重建反应。在艾滋病毒+患者中启动抑制CD4细胞计数和活性MS的患者时,可能需要谨慎。



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