首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Modern Physics, A. Particles and Fields, Gravitation, Cosmology >Space-time singularities and cosmic censorship conjecture: A Review with some thoughts

Space-time singularities and cosmic censorship conjecture: A Review with some thoughts


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The singularity theorems of Hawking and Penrose tell us that singularities are common place in general relativity. Singularities not only occur at the beginning of the Universe at the Big Bang, but also in complete gravitational collapses that result in the formation of black holes. If singularities - except the one at the Big Bang - ever become "naked," i.e. not shrouded by black hole horizons, then it is expected that problems would arise and render general relativity indeterministic. For this reason, Penrose proposed the cosmic censorship conjecture, which states that singularities should never be naked. Various counterexamples to the conjecture have since been discovered, but it is still not clear under which kind of physical processes one can expect violation of the conjecture. In this short review, I briefly examine some progresses in space-time singularities and cosmic censorship conjecture. In particular, I shall discuss why we should still care about the conjecture, and whether we should be worried about some of the counterexamples. This is not meant to be a comprehensive review, but rather to give an introduction to the subject, which has recently seen an increase of interest.
机译:Hawking和Penrose的奇点定理告诉我们,奇点是一般相对论的常见位置。奇点不仅发生在大爆炸的宇宙的开头,而且还在完全的引力坍缩中导致形成黑洞。如果奇点 - 除了大爆炸的一个 - 永远变得“赤身裸体”,即没有被黑洞视野笼罩,那么预计会出现问题并使一般相对性不确定。出于这个原因,PenRose提出了宇宙审查猜想,这使得奇点永远不会赤身裸体。由于发现了猜想的各种反例,但仍然没有清楚的是,在哪种物理过程中可以期望违反猜想。在这次简短的审查中,我简要审查了时空奇点和宇宙审查猜想中的一些进展。特别是,我会讨论为什么我们仍然应该关心猜想,以及我们是否应该担心一些反例。这并不意味着全面审查,而是介绍最近看到兴趣增加的主题。



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