首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Applied Engineering Research >A Study of Saudi English Foreign Language (EFL) Learners: Impact of Timed Reading on Learners' Reading Speed and Level of Comprehension

A Study of Saudi English Foreign Language (EFL) Learners: Impact of Timed Reading on Learners' Reading Speed and Level of Comprehension


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Within the language learning and teaching domain, the reading process appears to be the most momentous and controversial topic. There has been extensive research about the reading process in the mother tongue (L1) and in a foreign language (L2); the linkages of such processes; the variables that impact on reading; and, in the context of L1 and L2, the qualities associated with good and poor readers. The progressive actions, made within the L1 reading domain, have led to the questions regarding reading within the L2 domain. Further, there have been countless theories which have attempted to justify the linkage between L1 and L2 reading. The principle concern has been the fluency of reading and its importance in both L1 and L2 has been paramount. Nevertheless, further investigation is required on the issue of fluency in L2 since this appears to be a more complex issue as opposed to reading fluency in L1. Hence, this study investigates the effect of timed reading practices on Saudi EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners' speed of reading and their level of comprehension. Accordingly, this study's sample comprising 50 students who were split randomly into an experimental group (35 students) and a control group (15 students). Only the experimental group was given timed reading activities. The researcher conducted a pre-test in week 1 and a post-test in week 8. The test results indicate that timed reading intervention has a positive effect on the EFL learners' reading speed and level of comprehension. Based on the findings, this study highlights the implications of reading being taught to English Foreign Language (EFL) learners.



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