首页> 外文期刊>Intelligence: A Multidisciplinary Journal >Hans Reichenbach's and CI Lewis's Kantian philosophies of science

Hans Reichenbach's and CI Lewis's Kantian philosophies of science

机译:Hans Reichenbach和Ci Lewis的科学哲学理念

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Recent work in the history of philosophy of science details the Kantianism of philosophers often thought opposed to one another, e.g., Hans Reichenbach, C.I. Lewis, Rudolf Carnap, and Thomas Kuhn. Historians of philosophy of science in the last two decades have been particularly interested in the Kantianism of Reichenbach, Carnap, and Kuhn, and more recently, of Lewis. While recent historical work focuses on recovering the threatened-to-beforgotten Kantian themes of early twentieth-century philosophy of science, we should not elide the differences between the Kantian strands running throughout this work. In this paper, I disentangle a few of these strands in the work of Reichenbach and Lewis focusing especially on their theories of relativized, constitutive a priori principles in empirical knowledge. In particular, I highlight three related differences between Reichenbach and Lewis concerning their motivations in analyzing scientific knowledge and scientific practice, their differing conceptions of constitutivity, and their relativization of constitutive a priori principles. In light of these differences, I argue Lewis's Kantianism is more similar to Kuhn's Kantianism than Reichenbach's, and so might be of more contemporary relevance to social and practice-based approaches to the philosophy of science.
机译:近期科学哲学史的工作细节哲学家的康亚主义经常被认为相反,例如,汉斯·雷科纳巴赫,C.I。 Lewis,Rudolf Carnap和Thomas Kuhn。过去二十年来科学哲学的历史学家对莱恩的康涅狄格主义,卡纳普和奎州的康迪主义特别感兴趣,最近是刘易斯的。虽然最近的历史工作侧重于恢复二十世纪初期的科学哲学威胁的凯蒂昂主题,但我们不应该以此在整个工作中跑步的康西亚股之间的差异。在本文中,我在Reichenbach和Lewis的工作中解开了一些这些股线,尤其是在经验知识中依赖于依赖的构成原则的理论。特别是,我突出了雷森巴赫和刘易斯之间的三个相关差异,了解他们在分析科学知识和科学实践,它们不同的构成概念以及它们对本构A先验原则的相关性的动机。鉴于这些差异,我争论刘易斯的康迪主义比雷诺班赫的康亚主义更相似,而不是Reichenbach的康尼主义,因此可能与基于社会和基于实践的哲学的哲学的哲学言论更加现代。



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