首页> 外文期刊>Information Polity: The International Journal of Government and Democracy in the Information Age >Does the institution actually change? An exploratory study on policy idea and policy competition

Does the institution actually change? An exploratory study on policy idea and policy competition

机译:该机构是否实际改变? 政策理念与政策竞争的探索性研究

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This study analyzes the policy changes that take place even when though internal institutions and external environments are stable. It tracks the answer to a couple of questions: Does the content of economic policy direction change every year in a more stable macroeconomic environment? If it changes, how can this be explained by theory? To investigate these changes, Korean annual economic policy direction reports released from the Ministry of the Interior were collected. Through text mining analysis, the words in the reports from over 24 years (from 1993 to 2016) were examined. The analytical results show that policy elites constantly compete to influence the policy by keeping themselves in the past to acquire and maintain legitimate authority while responding to the government's needs for creative innovation and change.
机译:本研究分析了即使内部机构和外部环境稳定的策略变化也是如此。 它跟踪了几个问题的答案:经济政策方向的内容每年在更稳定的宏观经济环境中发生变化吗? 如果它发生变化,如何通过理论解释? 为了调查这些变化,收集了内部部发布的韩国年度经济政策方向报告。 通过文本挖掘分析,审查了超过24年(从1993年到2016年)报告中的单词。 分析结果表明,政策精英不断争夺政策,以防止过去获取和维持合法权力,同时应对政府对创新创新和变革的需求。



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