首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Hematology >Point-of-care screening for sickle cell disease in low-resource settings: A multi-center evaluation of HemoTypeSC, a novel rapid test

Point-of-care screening for sickle cell disease in low-resource settings: A multi-center evaluation of HemoTypeSC, a novel rapid test


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Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a common, life-threatening genetic disorder that is best managed when diagnosed early by newborn screening. However, SCD is most prevalent in low-resource regions of the world where newborn screening is rare and diagnosis at the point-of-care is challenging. In many such regions, the majority of affected children die, undiagnosed, before the age of 5 years. A rapid and affordable point-of-care test for SCD is needed. The diagnostic accuracy of HemoTypeSC, a point-of-care immunoassay, for SCD was evaluated in individuals who had SCD, hemoglobin C disease, the related carrier (trait) states, or a normal hemoglobin phenotype. Children and adults participated in low-, medium- and high-resource environments (Ghana [n = 383], Martinique [n = 46], and USA [n = 158]). Paired blood specimens were obtained for HemoTypeSC and a reference diagnostic assay. HemoTypeSC testing was performed at the site of blood collection, and the reference test was performed in a laboratory at each site. In 587 participants, across all study sites, HemoTypeSC had an overall sensitivity of 99.5% and specificity of 99.9% across all hemoglobin phenotypes. The test had 100% sensitivity and specificity for sickle cell anemia. Sensitivity and specificity for detection of normal and trait states were 99%. HemoTypeSC is an inexpensive ($2 per test), accurate, and rapid point-of-care test that can be used in resource-limited regions with a high prevalence of SCD to provide timely diagnosis and support newborn screening programs.
机译:镰状细胞疾病(SCD)是一种常见的危及生命的遗传性遗传疾病,最好在新生儿筛查早期诊断时得到最好的管理。然而,SCD在世界的低资源地区最普遍,其中新生儿筛查是罕见的,诊断在护理点挑战。在许多这样的地区,大多数受影响的儿童死亡,未结社,在5年前。需要对SCD进行快速和实惠的护理点测试。在具有SCD,血红蛋白C疾病,相关载体(特质)或正常血红蛋白表型的个体中,评估血屏蔽的诊断准确性,用于SCD的SCD。儿童和成年人参加了低资源和高资源环境(加纳[N = 383],Martinique [N = 46]和美国[N ​​= 158])。获得成对的血液标本,用于血红网电源和参考诊断测定。在血液收集部位进行血型测试,并在每个部位的实验室中进行参考测试。在587名参与者中,在所有研究网站上,血型血压的整体敏感性为99.5%,特异性为所有血红蛋白表型99.9%。该测试对镰状细胞贫血血症具有100%的敏感性和特异性。检测正常和特质态的敏感性和特异性& 99%。血型是一个廉价的(每次测试2美元),准确,快速的护理测试,可用于资源限制区域,具有高度普及的SCD,提供及时诊断和支持新生儿筛查计划。



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