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Oral hypoglycaemic drugs in alloxan-induced diabetes mellitus in dogs.


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The effect of the alpha-glycosidase inhibitor acarbose, the insulin sensitiser metformin and the insulin secretiser gliclazide on blood glucose level of dogs were examined in experimental diabetes. Dogs were randomly divided into three groups. During the first week of the experimental period control blood glucose data were determined. During the subsequent five weeks, the first group (n=6) was administered acarbose (200 mg/dog/day), the second (n=5) was treated with metformin (1700 mg/dog/day), and the third was given gliclazide (160 mg/dog/day). The drug was administered twice daily when feeding at 7:00 and 15:00 h. The average difference between postprandial and fasting blood glucose was determined for the treated and the control period, and the statistical significance of their difference (mean decrease) was evaluated by two-sampled t-test. The mean decrease in blood glucose was 0.49 mmol/l (P=0.09) for acarbose, 1.15 mmol/l (P=0.01) for metformin, and 0.08 mmol/l (P=0.88) for gliclazide. According to the results of statistical evaluation, metformin was the only drug that caused a significant decrease in postprandial blood glucose.
机译:在实验性糖尿病中检查了α-糖苷酶抑制剂阿卡波糖,胰岛素敏化剂二甲双胍和胰岛素分泌剂格列齐特对狗血糖水平的影响。将狗随机分为三组。在实验期间的第一周,测定对照血糖数据。在随后的五周内,对第一组(n = 6)给予阿卡波糖(200 mg /狗/天),对第二组(n = 5)给予二甲双胍(1700 mg /狗/天),第三组为给予格列齐特(160毫克/狗/天)。在7:00和15:00 h进食时,每天两次给药。确定了治疗和对照组的餐后和空腹血糖之间的平均差异,并通过两次抽样t检验评估了它们差异的统计学显着性(均值下降)。阿卡波糖的平均血糖降低为0.49 mmol / l(P = 0.09),二甲双胍的平均血糖降低为1.15 mmol / l(P = 0.01),格列齐特为0.08 mmol / l(P = 0.88)。根据统计评估的结果,二甲双胍是唯一导致餐后血糖显着降低的药物。



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