首页> 外文期刊>Arthritis care & research >Patient self-report RADAI (Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease Activity Index) joint counts on an MDHAQ (Multidimensional Health Assessment Questionnaire) in usual care of consecutive patients with rheumatic diseases other than rheumatoid arthritis

Patient self-report RADAI (Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease Activity Index) joint counts on an MDHAQ (Multidimensional Health Assessment Questionnaire) in usual care of consecutive patients with rheumatic diseases other than rheumatoid arthritis


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Objective To analyze a patient self-report joint count from the Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease Activity Index (RADAI) on a Multidimensional Health Assessment Questionnaire (MDHAQ) in a cohort of consecutive patients seen in usual rheumatology care with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), osteoarthritis (OA), psoriatic arthritis (PsA), and gout. Methods Each patient completed an MDHAQ, which included a RADAI, at each visit in one usual care setting. In order to include a physician measure, a random visit at which there was a recorded physician global estimate was selected for each of 465 patients (174 patients with RA, 75 with SLE, 113 with OA, 53 with PsA, and 50 patients with gout). The RADAI was analyzed for total scores (range 048), number of involved joint groups (range 016), and each specific joint group, and then compared in the 5 diagnostic groups to one another and to other MDHAQ measures and the Routine Assessment of Patient Index Data 3 (RAPID3). Results In patients with RA, SLE, OA, PsA, and gout, mean RADAI scores (range 048) were 12.4, 6.5, 10.1, 6.7, and 2.7, respectively. The mean numbers of involved joint groups (range 016) were 6.9, 3.8, 4.8, 4.5, and 1.7, respectively, and the median numbers were 6, 2, 4, 4, and 1, respectively. RADAI scores were correlated significantly with the physician global estimate, except in SLE, and at higher levels with the MDHAQ and RAPID3 scores in all diagnostic groups. Conclusion The RADAI self-report joint counts can be used to record self-report involvement of specific joints and joint groups in patients with SLE, OA, PsA, and gout, with minimal effort on the part of the rheumatologist.
机译:目的分析患有类风湿性关节炎疾病活动指数(RADAI)的患者自我报告的联合计数在通常的风湿病学治疗中的连续患者中的多维健康评估问卷(MDHAQ),用风湿性关节炎(RA),Systemic Lupus红斑狼疮(SLE),骨关节炎(OA),银屑病关节炎(PSA)和痛风。方法每位患者完成一个MDHAQ,其中包括一个常规护理环境的每次访问时包括RADAI。为了包括医生措施,为465名患者中的每一个被选中有记录的医生全球估计的随机访问(174例RA,75例,113例,175名,含有OA,53例,50名痛风患者)。分析了RADAI的总分评分(范围048),涉及的关节组数(范围016)和每个特定的关节组,然后在5个诊断组中相互比较以及其他MDHAQ测量和患者的常规评估索引数据3(Rapid3)。结果Ra,SLE,OA,PSA和痛风,平均射线分数(范围048)分别为12.4,6.5,10.1,6.7和2.7。涉及关节组(范围016)的平均数量分别为6.9,3.8,4.8,4.5和1.7,中位数分别为6,2,4,4和1。除了SLE外,除SLE外,RADAI评分显着与医生全球估计有关,并且在所有诊断群体中与MDHAQ和RAPID3分数更高。结论RADAI自我报告关节计数可用于记录SLE,OA,PSA和痛风患者的特定关节和联合组的自我报告促进,其特征在于流血学家的最小努力。



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