
MicroRNA-146a in autoimmunity and innate immune responses


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MicroRNA (miRNA) are approximately 22 nucleotide single-stranded RNA that regulate the stability of target messenger RNA by selective binding to specific sites at the 30-untranslated regions (UTR). This triggers repression in translation and mRNA degradation. It has been estimated that approximately 60% of all mRNA are under the control of miRNA. Among the known hundreds of miRNA, some are considered master regulators controlling either a single or multiple cellular pathways. Some miRNA are known to affect development and cell differentiation, while others are implicated in immunity and autoimmune diseases. A very interesting example is miR-146a, which has been reported to be downregulated in systemic lupus erythematosus and upregulated in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Several groups have recently focused their attention on miRNA in the pathogenesis of RA. Interestingly, the expression of miR-146a is upregulated in different cell types and tissues in RA patients. miRNA in RA could also be considered as possible future targets for new therapeutic approaches. This discussion will focus on the current understanding in the function of miR-146a in endotoxin tolerance and cross-tolerance, and how it may contribute to modulate the overproduction of known pathogenic cytokines, such as tumour necrosis factor α.
机译:microRNA(miRNA)是约22个核苷酸单链RNA,其通过在30-未转换区域(UTR)的特定位点中通过选择性结合来调节目标信使RNA的稳定性。这触发了翻译和mRNA劣化的抑制。据估计,所有mRNA的大约60%都在miRNA的控制下。在已知的数百个miRNA中,一些被认为是控制单个或多个细胞途径的主调节剂。已知一些miRNA影响发育和细胞分化,而其他miRNA涉及免疫和自身免疫疾病。一个非常有趣的例子是miR-146a,据报道,在全身性红斑狼疮中下调并在类风湿性关节炎(Ra)中上调。几个群体最近将注意力集中在Ra发病机制中的miRNA上。有趣的是,MIR-146a的表达在RA患者的不同细胞类型和组织中令人令人上调。 RA中的miRNA也可以被视为新的治疗方法可能的未来目标。该讨论将专注于目前在内毒素耐受性和交通的MiR-146a功能中的理解,以及如何促进调节已知致病性细胞因子的过量生产,例如肿瘤坏死因子α。



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