首页> 外文期刊>Archaeometry >Baseline bioavailable strontium isotope values for the investigation of residential mobility and resource-acquisition strategies in prehistoric Cambodia

Baseline bioavailable strontium isotope values for the investigation of residential mobility and resource-acquisition strategies in prehistoric Cambodia


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Strontium (Sr) isotope ratios (Sr-87/Sr-86) measured in human skeletal material can increase one's understanding of the residential behaviour and resource-acquisition strategies of past populations. The paper maps bioavailable(87)Sr/Sr-86 variation in 183 plant and soil samples across Cambodia. Bioavailable(87)Sr/Sr-86, as measured in plants, differs significantly between four major geological units. The data set will support future investigations of skeletal material from Cambodian archaeological sites. Baseline(87)Sr/Sr-86 data should be applied judiciously to skeletal populations, and in concert with other lines of evidence, to identify potential geographical outliers rather than to ascribe specific locations from which individuals may have moved.
机译:在人骨架材料中测量的锶(SR)同位素比率(SR-87 / SR-86)可以增加对过去种群的住宅行为和资源收购策略的理解。 纸张地图在183种植物和柬埔寨土壤样品中的生物可利用(87)SR / SR-86变异。 在植物中测量的生物可利用(87)SR / SR-86在四个主要地质单位之间显着不同。 数据集将支持来自柬埔寨考古遗址的未来对骨骼材料的研究。 基线(87)SR / SR-86数据应明智地应用于骨骼群体,并与其他证据中的音乐会一起应用,以识别潜在的地理异常值,而不是归类个人可能已经移动的具体部位。



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