首页> 外文期刊>Acta Zoologica >The claw closer muscle of Neohelice granulata (Grapsoidea, Varunidae): A morphological and histochemical study

The claw closer muscle of Neohelice granulata (Grapsoidea, Varunidae): A morphological and histochemical study


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The claw closer muscle of Neohelice granulata was studied according to histological, histochemical, and morphometrical criteria. Adult male crabs in intermoult stage were collected from Mar Chiquita Lagoon (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Muscle fibers show evident striations and oval-elongated nuclei with loose chromatin. The loose connective tissue among muscle fibers consists of cells and fibers embedded in an amorphous substance. Muscle histochemistry reveals two slow fiber types: 'A' and 'B'. Prevailing A fibers are larger, and they usually show, with respect to B type, a weaker reaction to whole techniques. Fibers with short (SS), intermediate (IS), and long sarcomeres (LS) appear in the claw closer muscle, being the LS fibers predominant. Concluding, the histochemical and morphometrical characteristics of the claw closer muscle fibers of N. granulata are indicative of slow fibers. The slow A type (low resistant to fatigue) prevails.
机译:根据组织学,组织化学和形态计量学标准研究了新螺旋藻的爪近端肌肉。从Mar Chiquita泻湖(阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯)采集成年期成年雄蟹。肌纤维显示明显的条纹和椭圆形长核,染色质疏松。肌肉纤维之间的疏松结缔组织由嵌入无定形物质中的细胞和纤维组成。肌肉组织化学揭示了两种慢纤维类型:“ A”和“ B”。现有的A纤维较大,相对于B类型,它们通常显示出对整个技术的反应较弱。具有短(SS),中(IS)和长(LS)肉瘤的纤维出现在爪近肌中,以LS纤维为主。最后,颗粒猪笼草的爪闭合肌纤维的组织化学和形态计量学特征表明纤维缓慢。慢速A型(低抗疲劳性)占主导。



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