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Different glassmaking technologies in the production of Iron Age black glass from Italy and Slovakia


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This study presents the results of an archaeometrical investigation performed on 75 black glass beads dated to the ninth-fifth century BC coming from Bologna, Cumae, and Pozzuoli (Italy), and Chotin (Slovakia). The analyses of the major, minor, and trace elements-as well as that of Sr and Nd isotopes performed on a selection of samples coming from Bologna-provided evidence for two different production technologies in Iron Age black glass found in Italy (natron glass, probably produced in Egypt) and Slovakia (wood ash glass, probably produced in Europe). In both cases, the glasses derive their black colouration from the high presence of iron (around 12 % FeO), introduced into the glass batches through the intentional choice of dark sands. The production model appears to be small-scale and experimental, characterised by the use of non-sorted raw materials and poorly defined formulae, producing glass with a high chemical variability. The wood ash technology appears to have dropped out of use in Europe until the Medieval period, while natron production spread quickly, becoming predominant throughout the Mediterranean.
机译:本研究表明,对来自博洛尼亚,坎美尼亚州的第九世纪(Bogna,Cumzooli(意大利)和Chotin(斯洛伐克))的第75个黑色玻璃珠子进行了考读调查的结果。主要,次要和微量元素的分析 - 以及SR和ND同位素对来自博洛尼亚的一系列样本进行了在意大利(Natron Glass,可能在埃及生产)和斯洛伐克(木灰玻璃,可能在欧洲生产)。在这两种情况下,眼镜从铁(约12%Feo)的高存在中导出了它们的黑色印刷,通过故意选择深色砂体引入玻璃批次。生产模型似乎是小规模和实验性的,其特征在于使用非分选原料和定义差的公式,生产具有高化学变异性的玻璃。在中世纪的时期,木灰技术似乎在欧洲脱离了欧洲,而环球生产迅速蔓延,在整个地中海都成为占主导地位。



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