首页> 外文期刊>Annals of the American Association of Geographers >Urban Precarity and Home: There Is No 'Right to the City'

Urban Precarity and Home: There Is No 'Right to the City'


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Employing qualitative and ethnographic data from field research in 2009 and 2017 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, this article seeks to position urban housing and the home at the center of discussions about social and spatial justice and the right to the city. A focus on housing and home is largely absent in the literature on the right to the city. This article contributes to the literature on the right to the city through an analysis of the struggle for the right to housing and to the city by social organizations and residents who live in informal housing in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I argue that precarious housing-through the threat of eviction and lack of affordable options-affects poor urban residents' right to housing and right to the city and hinders the struggle for social justice. In this study, home is theorized as a central space from which urban dwellers are able to create stable spaces, access urban resources, and contribute to the social fabric and development of the city. As such, precarious housing is understood not simply as experienced at the scale of the home but rather as a primary space from which the right to the city is endeavored, challenged, and denied. I examine how urban injustice and precarity are routinely produced and experienced and argue that without access to stable housing and social change, there is no right to the city.
机译:在阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯的2009年和2017年雇用来自现场研究的定性和民族造影数据,本文旨在旨在将城市住房和家居讨论,讨论社会和空间正义以及城市的权利。在城市右侧的文献中,对住房和房屋的重点是缺席。本文通过分析阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯的非正式住房的社会组织和居民,通过分析公寓右右的斗争来促进城市权利的文献。我认为,不稳定的住房 - 通过驱逐的威胁和缺乏实惠的选择 - 影响贫困的城市居民和城市的权利,阻碍社会正义的斗争。在这项研究中,家庭被认为是城市居民能够创造稳定的空间,接入城市资源,并为城市的社会结构和发展做出贡献的中央空间。因此,不稳定的住房据理解并不像房屋的规模一样经历,而是作为城市权利的主要空间是努力,挑战,否认。我探讨了城市不公正和前进程度的经验丰富,经验丰富,并争辩说,没有获得稳定的住房和社会变革,这座城市没有权利。



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