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Dimensions of Power in Regulatory Regime Selection: Shopping, Shaping, and Staying


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This article investigates the process through which transnational firms select and develop sites for their operations. I build a framework to understand how firms' localization strategies not only entail a choice among regulatory regimes but how they also coproduce those regimes while responding to community resistance. My account is based on a multisited ethnography of two research and development hubs for the U.S. corn seed market. The genetically modified (GM) corn seed industry is an important (and somewhat unusual) case because firms' competitiveness hinges on staying in particular environments, rendering them relatively place-bound- which can be used by local actors as a negotiating tool for better environmental and labor arrangements. I compare two cases of firms' localization strategies-one (Hawaii) in which firms are confronted by local actors who question GM crop safety and another (Puerto Rico) in which firms face little local opposition and, in fact, are lauded as economic engines of development. My work shows that firms' success hinges on balancing a site's natural endowments with its sociopolitical and regulatory constraints. Contrasting approaches that view firms' localization as a single moment of decision making, I conceptualize localization as a multistep process of negotiating a regulatory regime with local institutions-not just shopping for the right environment but shaping it and actively taking actions to stay there. In proposing a power-sensitive approach to location and regulation theory, my work highlights sociohistorical patterns of inequality, contributing to our understanding of how corporate localization strategies affect local control over environmental governance.
机译:本文调查跨国公司选择和开发业务的过程。我建立了一个框架,了解公司的本地化策略不仅需要在监管制度之间提供选择,而且它们如何在应对社区抵抗时统一那些制度。我的账户基于美国玉米种子市场的两次研究和开发中心的多相识式。转基因(GM)玉米种子行业是一个重要的(和有点异常的)案例,因为公司对在特定环境中保持铰接的竞争力铰链,使它们相对束缚 - 当地行动者作为谈判工具以获得更好的环境和劳动力安排。我比较了两种公司的本地化策略 - 一(夏威夷),其中公司面临着询问通用汽车作物安全的当地行动者和另一个(波多黎各),在该公司面临少时的当地反对派,实际上被称为经济发动机发展。我的作品表明,公司的成功铰链与其社会政治和监管限制平衡了网站的自然捐赠。将公司本地化视为单一决策的对比方法,我将本地化视为与当地机构谈判监管制度的多学期过程 - 不仅仅在适当的环境中购物,而且正在塑造它并积极采取行动留在那里。在提出电力敏感的地点和监管理论方面,我的工作突出了不平等的社会潮流模式,促进了我们对公司本土化战略如何影响环境治理的影响。



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