首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Epidemiology >Scaling Up Hepatitis C Prevention and Treatment Interventions for Achieving Elimination in the United States: A Rural and Urban Comparison

Scaling Up Hepatitis C Prevention and Treatment Interventions for Achieving Elimination in the United States: A Rural and Urban Comparison


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In the United States, hepatitis C virus (HCV) transmission is rising among people who inject drugs (PWID). Many regions have insufficient prevention intervention coverage. Using modeling, we investigated the impact of scaling up prevention and treatment interventions on HCV transmission among PWID in Perry County, Kentucky, and San Francisco, California, where HCV seroprevalence among PWID is >50%. A greater proportion of PWID access medication-assisted treatment (MAT) or syringe service programs (SSP) in urban San Francisco (established community) than in rural Perry County (young, expanding community). We modeled the proportion of HCV-infected PWID needing HCV treatment annually to reduce HCV incidence by 90% by 2030, with and without MAT scale-up (50% coverage, both settings) and SSP scale-up (Perry County only) from 2017. With current MAT and SSP coverage during 2017-2030, HCV incidence would increase in Perry County (from 21.3 to 22.6 per 100 person-years) and decrease in San Francisco (from 12.9 to 11.9 per 100 person-years). With concurrent MAT and SSP scale-up, 5% per year of HCV-infected PWID would need HCV treatment in Perry County to achieve incidence targets-13% per year without MAT and SSP scale-up. In San Francisco, a similar proportion would need HCV treatment (10% per year) irrespective of MAT scale-up. Reaching the same impact by 2025 would require increases in treatment rates of 45%-82%. Achievable provision of HCV treatment, alongside MAT and SSP scale-up (Perry County) and MAT scale-up (San Francisco), could reduce HCV incidence.
机译:在美国,丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)传播在注射药物(PWID)的人中正在上升。许多地区预防干预覆盖率不足。使用建模,我们调查了加利福尼亚州佩里县,肯塔基州和旧金山的PWID中HCV传播的缩放预防和治疗干预的影响,其中PWID之间的HCV Seroprevaly> 50%。在旧金山(建立的社区)(年轻,扩大社区)中,更大比例的PWID接入药物辅助治疗(SAM)或注射器服务计划(SSP)或注射器服务计划(SSP)。我们为每年需要HCV治疗的HCV感染的PWID的比例,将HCV入射率降低90%到2030%,其中没有席克斯扩大(50%的覆盖范围)和2017年的SSP Scale-Up(仅限佩里县) 。在2017 - 2017 - 2013年期间,目前垫和SSP覆盖率,HCV发病率将增加佩里县(从每100人的21.3至22.6人),并在旧金山(每100人为12.9至11.9人)减少。随着同时的垫子和SSP扩大,每年5%的HCV感染的PWID将需要HCV治疗在Perry County,每年13%的发病率为13%,没有垫和SSP缩放。在旧金山,与垫子缩放无关,类似的比例需要HCV治疗(每年10%)。到2025年达到同样的影响将需要增加45%-82%的治疗率。可实现的HCV治疗提供,沿着垫和SSP Scale-Up(Perry County)和Mat Scale-Up(旧金山),可以降低HCV的发病率。



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