首页> 外文期刊>Advances in therapy. >Efficacy of Phonosurgery, Logopedic Voice Treatment and Vocal Pedagogy in Common Voice Problems of Singers

Efficacy of Phonosurgery, Logopedic Voice Treatment and Vocal Pedagogy in Common Voice Problems of Singers


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Introduction Functional and organic impairments of the singing voice are common career-threatening problems of singers presenting in phoniatric and laryngological departments. The objective was to evaluate the efficacy of phonosurgery, logopedic voice treatment and vocal pedagogy in common organic and functional voice problems of singers, including investigation of the recently introduced parameter vocal extent measure (VEM). Methods In a prospective clinical study, the analysis of treatment outcome in 76 singers [57 female, 19 male; 38?±?11?years (mean?±?SD)] was based on pre- and post-therapeutic voice function diagnostics and videolaryngostroboscopy. Examination instruments included auditory-perceptual voice assessment, voice range profile (VRP), the VEM calculated from area and shape of the VRP, acoustic–aerodynamic analysis, and patients’ self-assessment (e.g., Singing Voice Handicap Index). Results While 28% of all singers (21/76) presented with functional dysphonia, 72% (55/76) were diagnosed with organic vocal fold changes, of which marginal edema ( n ?=?25), nodules ( n ?=?9), and polyps ( n ?=?8) were the most common pathologic changes. Of the 76 singers, 57% (43) received phonosurgery, 43% (33) had conservative pedagogic (14) and logopedic (19) treatment. Three months post-therapeutically, most parameters had significantly improved. The dysphonia severity index (DSI) increased on average from 6.1?±?2.0 to 7.4?±?1.8 ( p ?
机译:歌声的介绍功能和有机损伤是普通职业危及歌手呈现出喉咙和喉科部门的职业危及问题。该目的是评估歌手普通有机和功能性语音问题的歌唱,逻辑语音治疗和声乐教育学的疗效,包括最近引入的参数声学范围措施(VEM)的调查。方法在前瞻性临床研究中,76名歌手治疗结果分析[57雌性,19名男性; 38?±11?年(平均值?±sd)]是基于预治疗后和治疗后的语音功能诊断和录像仪。检查仪器包括听觉感知语音评估,语音范围型材(VRP),从VRP的区域和形状计算的VEM,声学 - 空气动力学分析和患者的自我评估(例如,唱歌语音障碍指数)。结果虽然患有功能呼吸困难的所有歌手(21/76)的28%诊断出有机声带变化,其中有机声带变化,其中边缘水肿(n?= 25),结节(n?=? 9),息肉(n?=?8)是最常见的病理变化。在76名歌手中,57%(43)接受过寄生虫,43%(33)有保守的教育学(14)和逻辑(19)治疗。治疗后三个月,大多数参数显着提高。障碍症的严重性指数(DSI)平均增加了6.1?±2.0至7.4?±1.8(p?<0.001),vem从113?±20到124?±14(p?<? 0.001)。两个参数彼此显着相关(R〜(s)?= 0.41)。 Phonosurgery对改善声音功能的影响最大。保守疗法提供较小的定量增强,但也具有恢复的艺术能力的定性声学恢复。结论取决于个体医疗指示,关键词,求性治疗和语音教学都是有效的,客观和主观的令人满意的疗法,以改善歌声受损的声音。使用功能和有机障碍的歌手中的vem客观地描绘了VRP中记录的声音能力。补充所建立的DSI,VEM介绍实际的客观语音诊断是适当的,特别适合治疗歌手。



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