首页> 外文期刊>Advances in applied Clifford algebras >A New Polar Representation for Split and Dual Split Quaternions

A New Polar Representation for Split and Dual Split Quaternions


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We present a new different polar representation of split and dual split quaternions inspired by the Cayley-Dickson representation. In this new polar form representation, a split quaternion is represented by a pair of complex numbers, and a dual split quaternion is represented by a pair of dual complex numbers as in the Cayley-Dickson form. Here, in a split quaternion these two complex numbers are a complex modulus and a complex argument while in a dual split quaternion two dual complex numbers are a dual complex modulus and a dual complex argument. The modulus and argument are calculated from an arbitrary split quaternion in Cayley-Dickson form. Also, the dual modulus and dual argument are calculated from an arbitrary dual split quaternion in Cayley-Dickson form. By the help of polar representation for a dual split quaternion, we show that a Lorentzian screw operator can be written as product of two Lorentzian screw operators. One of these operators is in the two-dimensional space produced by 1 and i vectors. The other is in the three-dimensional space generated by 1, j and k vectors. Thus, an operator in a four-dimensional space is expressed by means of two operators in two and three-dimensional spaces. Here, vector 1 is in the intersection of these spaces.



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