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The Implementation of Open-Ended Approach to Improve Mathematical Problem-Solving Skill of Fraction Concept in Elementary School


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The research departs from the result of the observation conducted by researcher at State Elementary School 13 Serang that most students can not understand the calculation of fraction concept. It is showed by the result of mathematical problem-solving skill test of students which islow and under the standard of score. Moreover, teachers have not been able to use varied approaches and methods in learning the process. The research is intended to improve mathematical problem-solving skill math class V students of State Elementary School 13 Serang through the implementationof the open-ended approach. The research adopted classroom action research Kemmis and Mc. Taggart models consisting of planing, action, observation, and reflection. The subject comprised 48 students of class V. The instrument of this research is the test of mathematical problem-solving skilland observation of activities in the learning process. The result showed that the average score in the first cycle is 64,21 and the average score of the second cycle is 74,73. Thus, there was an increase from the first cycle to the second cycle. It can be concluded that the open-ended approachcan improve mathematical problem solving skill of students.
机译:该研究从研究人员在州小学13塞兰进行的观察结果导致大多数学生无法理解分数概念的计算。通过数学问题解决的结果来展示了对学生和分数标准的学生的技能测试。此外,教师尚未能够在学习过程中使用不同的方法和方法。该研究旨在通过实施开放式方法的实施来改善国家小学13 Serang的数学问题的数学v学生。该研究采用课堂行动研究Kemmis和MC。 Taggart模型包括刨平,动作,观察和反射。该主题包括48名V级学生。该研究的仪器是在学习过程中对数学问题解决方案观察的数学问题的考验。结果表明,第一周期中的平均得分为64,21,第二周期的平均得分为74,73。因此,从第一周期到第二周期的增加。可以得出结论,开放式接近方法改善了学生的数学问题。



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