首页> 外文期刊>Acta oecologica >Seedling survival responses to irradiance are differentially influenced by low-water availability in four tree species of the Iberian cool temperate-Mediterranean ecotone

Seedling survival responses to irradiance are differentially influenced by low-water availability in four tree species of the Iberian cool temperate-Mediterranean ecotone


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Inter-specific differences in seedling survival responses along a sun-shade gradient and the influence of low-water availability were examined for four Iberian tree species (Quercus robur L., Quercus pyrenaica Willd., Pinus sylvestris L. and Pinus pinaster Ait.) typical of the cool temperate-Mediterranean transition zone. Seedlings were grown under controlled conditions in a factorial experiment with four levels of irradiance (1%, 6%, 20% and 100% of full sunlight) and two levels of water availability. Five censuses (from late spring to autumn) leading to four regular intervals (T-0 -> T-I; T-I -> T-II; T-II -> T-III; T-III -> T-IV) were established. Statistical models of seedling survival as a function of irradiance were calibrated throughout the whole experiment (T-0 -> T-IV) and also for each time interval and water availability level. Seedling survival responses among different species diverged both in the type of functional response to irradiance and in their response to water stress. Ranking of species according to shade tolerance (Q. pyrenaica > Q. robur > P. sylvestris > P. pinaster) contrasted with tolerance of high irradiance and conformed to a hypothetical sun-shade trade-off for survival (i.e. species having higher survival in low irradiance-oaks-had poorer survival at high irradiance and vice-versa). Low-water availability also differentially affected each species, with pines being more drought tolerant than oaks. At an intra-specific level, low-water availability decreased survival of Q. pyrenaica under both high and low irradiance. For Q robur, however, low-water availability exerted a relatively stronger effect under low irradiance. Consequences of the interplay between irradiance and water availability for explaining segregation and coexistence of forest tree species at the ecotone between cool temperate and Mediterranean forests are discussed. (c) 2006 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
机译:研究了四种伊比利亚树种(栎木,樟子松,樟子松和樟子松)沿遮阳梯度的幼苗存活响应的种间差异和低水利用率的影响。典型的凉爽的温带-地中海过渡带。在一个析因实验中,在受控条件下使幼苗生长,辐照度有四个级别(全日照的1%,6%,20%和100%)和两个级别的水利用率。建立了五个人口普查(从春季末到秋季),导致四个定期间隔(T-0-> T-I; T-I-> T-II; T-II-> T-III; T-III-> T-IV)。在整个实验中(T-0-> T-IV)以及每个时间间隔和水利用率水平,校准了幼苗存活率随辐照度变化的统计模型。不同物种之间的幼苗存活反应在对辐照的功能反应类型和对水分胁迫的反应方面都不同。根据耐荫性对物种进行排序(Q. pyrenaica> Q. robur> P. sylvestris> P. pinaster)与高辐照度的耐受性形成对比,并符合假设的遮阳权衡以求生存(即在较高的条件下生存的物种)。低辐照度-橡木-在高辐照度下生存较差,反之亦然)。低水供应对每个物种的影响也不同,松树比橡树更耐旱。在种内水平上,低水利用率降低了高光和低光辐照下比勒纳Q.的生存。然而,对于Q robur,低辐照度下的低水有效性发挥了相对较强的作用。讨论了辐照度和水可利用性之间相互作用的后果,以解释在温带和地中海森林之间的交界处林木物种的隔离和共存。 (c)2006年Elsevier Masson SAS。版权所有。



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