首页> 外文期刊>Cryogenics >RF transmission line for cryogenic applications

RF transmission line for cryogenic applications


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We have fabricated a miniature coaxial transmission line with characteristics suitable for cryogenic applications. The materials were chosen for reduced thermal conduction and improved high-frequency signal transmission, and for mechanical properties allowing easy connector assembly and forming into complicated cryogenic structures. Comparing with the best commercial line, made with stainless steel outer conductor of twice larger diameter, the heat conduction integral of our line at 100 K temperature is slightly lower, while the signal attenuation is reduced by an factor of 1.34. Defining the figure of merit as a product of the signal attenuation per unit length and the heat conduction integral, our line is superior to all commercial cryogenic lines above 80 K by a factor varying from 1 to more than 20, and allows much easier soldering and bending. Further improvements of the line are also briefly discussed. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. [References: 4]
机译:我们制造了具有适合低温应用的特性的微型同轴传输线。选择这些材料是为了减少热传导和改善高频信号传输,并考虑到机械性能,使连接器易于组装并形成复杂的低温结构。与最好的商业线路相比,最好的商业线路由直径两倍大的不锈钢外导体制成,我们的线路在100 K温度下的导热积分略低,而信号衰减则降低了1.34倍。将品质因数定义为每单位长度信号衰减和热传导积分的乘积,我们的产品线比所有高于80 K的商用低温产品线高出1到20倍以上,并且焊接和焊接都更容易。弯曲。还简要讨论了该生产线的进一步改进。 (C)1998 Elsevier ScienceLtd。保留所有权利。 [参考:4]



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