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Beach-cast seagrass material fertilizes the foredune vegetation of Mediterranean coastal dunes


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Stable nitrogen isotopes were used to assess the relevance of debris from the seagrass Posidonia oceanica as a source of inorganic nutrients for the members of three functional groups of plants (camephytes, geophytes, and C3 perennial grasses) in three coastal dune systems of Minorca (Balearics Archipelago, western Mediterranean). The delta N-15 of foredune camephytes and geophytes was usually higher than that of atmospheric nitrogen and often was not statistically different from that of P. oceanica debris. Conversely, the delta N-15 of camephytes and geophytes collected in hinddunes and matorral areas was not statistically different from that of atmospheric nitrogen and usually lower than that of P. oceanica. Two-way ANOVA revealed a strong and significant effect of habitat on the delta N-15 of camephytes and geophytes, without any significant effect of the functional type or a significant interaction term. Although the delta N-15 of the C3 perennial grasses from the foredunes was never statistically different from that of beach-cast seagrass material and that of perennial C3 grasses from the matorral was always significantly lower than that of beach-cast seagrass material, Student's t-test was unable to reveal statistically significant differences between the C3 grasses from the foredunes and the matorral, due to the high standard deviation. The foliar nitrogen contents of foredune plants other than grasses were higher than those of plants from the hinddune and matorral sites, and the foliar C:N ratios were much lower. However, the differences between the grasses growing in the foredunes and in the matorral were not statistically significant for foliar N content or the foliar C:N ratio. On the whole, this evidence strongly supports the hypothesis that beach-cast P. oceanica material is a relevant source of nitrogen for the vegetation of Mediterranean foredunes. (c) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
机译:稳定的氮同位素用于评估海草Posidonia oceanica碎屑的相关性,Posidonia oceanica是Minorca(Balearics)的三个沿海沙丘系统中三个功能组植物(生植物,地生植物和C3多年生草)的无机营养元素的来源群岛,地中海西部)。前翅类真菌和地生植物的δN-15通常高于大气氮,并且在统计学上与海洋假单胞菌无差异。相反,在印度后代和母本地区收集的藻类和地生植物的δN-15与大气氮没有统计学差异,通常低于海洋假单胞菌。双向方差分析显示,生境对角生植物和地理植物的N-15三角洲具有强大而显着的影响,而对功能类型或显着的相互作用项没有任何显着影响。尽管来自前生的C3多年生禾草的N-15增量与滩涂海草材料的δN值在统计学上没有差异,而来自基质的多年生C3草的三角洲N-15始终显着低于滩涂海草材料的Delta N-15, -测试由于较高的标准偏差而无法揭示来自遗忘种群的C3禾草与母本之间的统计学差异。除草类外,其他足类植物的叶面氮含量均高于后代和母体部位的植物,而叶面C:N比则低得多。但是,前叶和基层中生长的草之间的差异在叶面氮含量或叶面C:N比上没有统计学意义。总体而言,这一证据有力地支持了这样的假说,即海滩播种的海洋体育材料是地中海森林的植被中氮的重要来源。 (c)2008年Elsevier Masson SAS。版权所有。



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