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Small mammal abundance in Mediterranean post-fire habitats: a role for predators?


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We studied patterns of small mammal abundance and species richness in post-fire habitats by sampling 33 plots (225 m(2) each) representing different stages of vegetation recovery after fire. Small mammal abundance was estimated by live trapping during early spring 1999 and vegetation structure was sampled by visual estimation at the same plots. Recently-burnt areas were characterised by shrubby and herbaceous vegetation with low structural variability, and unburnt areas were characterised by well developed forest cover with high structural complexity. Small mammal abundance and species richness decreased with time elapsed since the last fire (from 5 to at least 50 years), and these differences were associated to the decreasing cover of short shrubs as the post-fire succession of plant communities advanced. However, relationships between vegetation structure and small mammals differed among areas burned in different times, with weak or negative relationship in recently burnt areas and positive and stronger relationship in unburnt areas. Furthermore, the abundance of small mammals was larger than expected from vegetation structure in plots burned recently whereas the contrary pattern was found in unburned areas. We hypothesised that the pattern observed could be related to the responses of small mammal predators to changes in vegetation and landscape structure promoted by fire. Fire-related fragmentation could have promoted the isolation of forest predators (owls and carnivores) in unburned forest patches, a fact that could have produced a higher predation pressure for small mammals. Conversely, small mammal populations would have been enhanced in early post-fire stages by lower predator numbers combined with better predator protection in areas covered by resprouting woody vegetation. (C) 2003 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
机译:我们通过采样代表火灾后植被恢复不同阶段的33个样地(每个样地225 m(2)),研究了火灾后栖息地中小型哺乳动物的丰度和物种丰富度的模式。小哺乳动物的丰度是通过1999年初春的活体诱捕来估算的,植被结构是通过视觉估算在相同地块上采样的。最近被烧毁的地区的特点是灌木和草本植被,结构变异性低;未烧毁的地区的特点是森林发达,结构复杂。自上次火灾以来(5年至至少50年),小型哺乳动物的丰度和物种丰富度随时间的流逝而降低,这些差异与短灌木丛的覆盖率降低有关,这是由于植物群落的后火演替发展所致。但是,在不同时期烧毁的地区之间,植被结构与小型哺乳动物之间的关系有所不同,在最近烧毁的地区之间关系较弱或消极,而在未烧毁的地区则存在正向和较强的关系。此外,在最近被烧毁的土地上,小型哺乳动物的数量比根据植被结构的预期要大,而在未烧毁的地区则发现相反的格局。我们假设观察到的模式可能与小型哺乳动物捕食者对火引起的植被和景观结构变化的反应有关。与火有关的破碎可能促进了未燃烧森林斑块中森林掠食者(猫头鹰和食肉动物)的隔离,这一事实可能对小型哺乳动物产生更高的捕食压力。相反,在火后初期,通过减少捕食者的数量,再加上对木本植被覆盖的地区提供更好的保护,捕食者数量将得到增加。 (C)2003 Elsevier SAS。版权所有。



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