首页> 外文期刊>Acta oecologica >Pollination success of Lotus corniculatus (L.) in an urban context

Pollination success of Lotus corniculatus (L.) in an urban context


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Most anthropogenic activities are known to have deleterious effects on pollinator communities. However, little is known about the influence of urbanization on pollination ecosystem services.Here, we assessed the pollination service on Lotus corniculatus (L.), a self-sterile, strictly entogamous Fabaceae commonly observed in urban and suburban areas. We assessed the pollination success of artificial Lotus corniculatus populations at three levels: at large scale, along an urbanization gradient; at intermediate scale, based on landscape fragmentation within a 250 m radius and at local scale based on floral resource abundance and local habitat type.The main findings were that the pollination success, when assessed with the number of fruit produced per inflorescence, was lower in urban areas than in suburban ones, and was negatively affected by the number of impervious spaces in the neighborhood. The relationship between the number of fruits and the distance to the nearest impervious space was either positive or negative, depending on the gray/green ratio (low vs. high). Finally, on a local scale, floral resource abundance had a negative effect on pollination success when L. corniculatus populations were located in paved courtyards, and a positive one when they were located in parks.Pollination success seems to be explained by two intertwined gradients: landscape fragmentation estimated by the number of impervious spaces in a 250 m radius around L. corniculatus populations, and the behavior of bumblebees toward birdsfoot trefoil and floral displays, which appears to differ depending on whether a neighborhood is densely or sparsely urbanized. An abundance of attracting floral resources seems to enhance pollination success for L. corniculatus if it is not too isolated from other green spaces.These results have important implications for the sustainability of pollination success in towns by identifying local and landscape factors that influence reproductive success of a common plant.
机译:已知大多数人为活动都会对传粉媒介造成有害影响。然而,人们对城市化对授粉生态系统服务的影响知之甚少。在这里,我们评估了在城市和郊区普遍观察到的自生,严格内生的豆科(Fabaceae)莲花Corniculatus(L.)的授粉服务。我们从三个层面评估了人工莲花角corn种群的授粉成功:大规模,沿着城市化梯度;在中等规模上,基于半径为250 m的景观破碎化,在局部范围内,根据花卉资源的丰富程度和当地栖息地的类型而定。主要发现是,以每个花序产生的果实数量评估,授粉成功率较低。与郊区相比,城市地区受到的影响更大,并且受到附近不透水空间数量的负面影响。水果数量与到最近的不渗透空间的距离之间的关系为正或负,具体取决于灰度/绿色比(低与高)。最后,在当地范围内,当角锥李种群位于铺成的庭院中时,花卉资源的丰富度对授粉成功有负面影响,而当它们位于公园中时,花卉资源的丰度对授粉成功有积极影响。景观破碎化是通过在L.corniculatus种群周围250 m半径内的不透水空间的数量以及大黄蜂对鸟足三叶形和花卉展示的行为来估计的,这取决于邻域是密集的还是稀疏的城市化而有所不同。如果不与其他绿色空间过于隔离,大量的吸引花卉资源似乎可以提高角质轮虫的授粉成功率,这些结果通过识别影响授粉植物繁殖成功的地方和景观因素,对城镇授粉成功的可持续性具有重要意义。常见的植物。



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