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Intraguild predation may reinforce a species-environment gradient


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Species-environment gradients are ubiquitous in nature, with studies often partially explaining the replacement of species along such gradients by autecological factors such as differential physiological tolerances. However, lacking direct evidence, the majority of studies only infer some form of inter-specific interaction, often competition, as reinforcing these gradients. There is usually the further implication that environmental factors mediate asymmetries in the interaction. Recognising the lack of explicit experimental considerations of how key inter-specific interactions are modified by the environment, we chose a study system where we were able to bring the species in question into the laboratory and conduct experiments to test hypotheses about gradient-induced asymmetries in an inter-specific interaction. To this end, we tested the hypothesis that a species-salinity gradient may be reinforced by changes in the asymmetry of intraguild predation between two species of amphipod crustaceans with wide salinity tolerances. River and estuary surveys showed that Gammarus duebeni and Gammarus zaddachi have overlapping distributions, with both surviving and reproducing in salinities ranging from freshwater to fully marine. However, the former species is relatively more abundant in low salinities and the latter in higher salinities. In the laboratory, survival of both species was high in all salinities and cannibalism occurred at low frequencies. However, intraguild predation by males on moulted females was asymmetric in favour of G. duebeni at low salinities, this asymmetry completely reversing to favour G. zaddachi at higher salinities. Thus, we provide evidence that this species-environment gradient occurs due to overlapping physiological tolerances and salinity-driven shifts in the asymmetry of a key inter-specific interaction, intraguild predation.
机译:物种-环境梯度在自然界是普遍存在的,研究经常部分地解释了由这样的梯度替换物种的原因是诸如不同的生理耐受性之类的自变量。但是,由于缺乏直接的证据,大多数研究只能推断某种形式的种间相互作用(通常是竞争)来增强这些梯度。通常还存在环境因素介导相互作用中的不对称性的进一步暗示。认识到缺乏明确的实验考虑因素,即环境如何改变关键的种间相互作用,我们选择了一个研究系统,在该系统中,我们能够将有问题的物种带入实验室并进行实验,以测试关于梯度诱导的不对称性的假设。种间交互。为此,我们测试了以下假设:两种盐度宽容甲壳类甲壳类动物之间的公会内捕食不对称性的变化可能会增强物种的盐度梯度。河流和河口调查表明,Gammarus duebeni和Gammarus zaddachi分布重叠,从淡水到完全海水的盐度都能存活和繁殖。但是,前者的盐度较低,而后者的盐度较高。在实验室中,在所有盐度下,这两个物种的存活率均很高,而同类相食的发生频率较低。但是,雄性对蜕皮雌性的公会内捕食在低盐度下对杜氏对虾有利,而在盐度较高的情况下,这种不对称完全逆转了对吉达对虾的偏好。因此,我们提供的证据表明,这种物种-环境梯度是由于重叠的生理耐受性和盐度驱动的关键种间相互作用(公会内捕食)的不对称性变化而发生的。



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