首页> 外文期刊>Creativity Research Journal >The Influence of a Foreign Versus Native Language on Creativity

The Influence of a Foreign Versus Native Language on Creativity


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Creativity may be enhanced by contextual factors that contribute to a divergence from conventional and habitual modes of thought. Two studies tested the prediction that a foreign language (that is frequently associated with moving away from the routine experiences) will contribute to originality of solutions, compared to one's native language. Findings demonstrate that a foreign language confers benefits for creativity on well-established nonverbal tasks. Participants were more creative in designing t-shirt outlines (Study 1) and in drawing an alien character for a story (Study 2) within the context of their foreign, as compared to the native, language. The potential underlying mechanisms and implications of the effect are discussed.
机译:通过促进常规和习惯性的思想方式的差异性的内容因素可以提高创造力。 与一个人的母语相比,两项研究测试了外语(通常与常规体验的迁移)的预测将有助于解决方案的原创性。 调查结果表明,外语赋予创造性对良好的非语言任务的益处。 与当地语言相比,参与者在设计T恤轮廓(研究1)和绘制一个故事的外星人角色(学习2)时更具创意。 讨论了潜在的基础机制和效果的影响。



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