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The Factor Structure of the Figural Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking: A Meta-Confirmatory Factor Analysis


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To investigate the factor structure of the Figural Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (Figural TTCT), a meta-confirmatory factor analysis was performed. A sample of 33 correlation matrices from 26 studies (N-individuals=6,982) was included in the meta-analysis. Four different factor models previously presented in the literature were tested to determine which model fits the data best. The results supported a 2-factor structure model in which fluency and originality subscales loaded on the innovative factor; elaboration, abstractness of titles, and resistance to premature closure subscales loaded on the adaptive factor. Implications, limitations, and suggestions for future research are discussed.
机译:为了研究创意思维(图TTCT)的图的图解性托尔阵列的因子结构,进行了元确认因子分析。 从26项研究(N个体= 6,982)中包含33个相关矩阵的样品包括在META分析中。 测试了四种不同因素模型,以前呈现在文献中,以确定哪种模型最适合数据。 结果支持了一个2因素结构模型,其中流利和创新性分量在创新因素上加载; 阐述,标题的抽象性,以及对自适应因子加上的过早闭合分量的抵抗力。 讨论了对未来研究的影响,限制和建议。



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