
How to improve the quality of research reporting?


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At the recent AOGS editorial board meeting one of the topics discussed was how the quality of research reporting can be further improved in AOGS. During the last few years substantial evidence has demontrated that too often good research evidence is underminded by poor quality reporting. Instead of being useful in clinical practice or in health policy making, a large proportion of published studies are not useful, may be misleading, wasteful of scarce resources and potentially harmful. In 2008 the EQUATOR Network was officially launched. The EQUATOR (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research) network is an international initiative that seeks to improve reliability and value of medical research literature by promoting transparent and accurate reporting of research studies. One of the most powerful results of the network is the all-in-one homepage www. equator-network.org that is constantly updated and under development. This website should be a well known and used resource for authors, reviewers and editors. The home page contains a resource center that publishes all reporting guidelines. Guidelines for reporting health research are important tools to improve the quality of published studies. They specify a minimum set of items needed for a complete and clear account of study methods and subsequent findings. Adherence to reporting guidelines improves the accuracy and transparency of publications. In many ways reporting guidelines are checklists of important items that ought to be carried out for achieving not only an adequate study design, but also reporting the study in a transparent and correct way. In this context it is interesting to remember that in other fields such checklists have also proven to be of great benefit. For example, an evaluation of the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist showed that its implementation was associated with a 47% reduction in rates of death and a 36% reduction of inpatient complications after surgery. Examples of the most frequently used reporting guidelines include:
机译:在最近的AOGS编辑委员会会议上,讨论的主题之一是如何在AOGS中进一步提高研究报告的质量。在过去的几年中,大量的证据表明,质量差的报告往往破坏了良好的研究证据。大部分已发表的研究没有在临床实践或健康政策制定中有用,反而没有用,可能会引起误解,浪费稀缺资源并可能有害。 2008年,赤道网络正式启动。 EQUATOR(增强健康研究的质量和透明度)网络是一项国际计划,旨在通过促进透明而准确的研究报告来提高医学研究文献的可靠性和价值。该网络最强大的结果之一就是多合一主页www。 equator-network.org不断更新并正在开发中。对于作者,审稿人和编辑,该网站应该是众所周知且使用过的资源。主页包含一个发布所有报告准则的资源中心。报告健康研究的指南是提高已发表研究质量的重要工具。他们指定了一套完整而清晰的研究方法和后续发现所需的最少项目。遵守报告准则可提高出版物的准确性和透明度。在许多方面,报告指南是重要项目的清单,不仅要实现足够的研究设计,而且还应以透明正确的方式报告研究。在这种情况下,很有趣的是要记住,在其他领域,这样的清单也被证明是非常有益的。例如,对世卫组织外科手术安全检查表的评估表明,实施该检查表与手术后死亡率降低47%和住院并发症减少36%有关。最常用的报告准则示例包括:



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