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Prognostic factors for local recurrence and mortality in adult soft tissue sarcoma of the extremities and trunk wall


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Background and purpose - Previous studies of soft tissue sarcoma (STS) have identified a number of possible prognostic factors; however, the majority of these include highly selected populations, with unclear validation of data and insufficient statistical methods. We identified prognostic factors in a validated, population-based 30-year series of STS treated at a single institution, using an advanced statistical approach. Patients and methods - Between 1979 and 2008, 922 adult patients from western Denmark were treated at the Aarhus Sarcoma Center for non-metastatic STS in the extremities or trunk. The endpoints were local recurrence (LR) and disease-specific mortality (DSM). Prognostic factors were analyzed using a proportional hazard model, including continuous variables as cubic splines. Directed acyclic graphs were used to depict the causal structure. Results - The 5-year LR was 16% and the 5-year DSM was 24%. Important prognostic factors for both LR and DSM were age, duration of symptoms, tumor size, grade, margin, and radiotherapy, while anatomical location (upper, lower extremity, trunk) was prognostic for DSM. Interpretation - In this population-based series of adult, non-metastatic STS, we included directed acyclic graphs, cubic splines, and a competing risk model in order to minimize bias, and demonstrated that these statistical methods are feasible. Using these statistical methods on a large, validated dataset, we excluded depth as a prognostic factor and established that age, duration of symptoms, size, grade, margin, and radiotherapy were important prognostic factors for both local recurrence and disease-specific mortality.
机译:背景与目的-先前对软组织肉瘤(STS)的研究已经确定了许多可能的预后因素。但是,其中大多数包括高度挑剔的人群,数据验证不清楚,统计方法也不充分。我们使用先进的统计方法,在单一机构中对经过验证的,基于人群的30年STS系列中的预后因素进行了识别。患者和方法-在1979年至2008年之间,来自丹麦西部的922名成年患者在四肢或躯干的Aarhus肉瘤中心接受了非转移性STS治疗。终点是局部复发(LR)和疾病特异性死亡率(DSM)。使用比例风险模型分析预后因素,包括连续变量作为三次样条。有向无环图用于描述因果结构。结果-5年LR为16%,5年DSM为24%。 LR和DSM的重要预后因素是年龄,症状持续时间,肿瘤大小,等级,边缘和放疗,而解剖位置(上,下肢,躯干)是DSM的预后因素。解释-在这个基于人群的成年,非转移性STS系列研究中,我们包括了有向无环图,三次样条和竞争风险模型,以最大程度地减少偏差,并证明这些统计方法是可行的。在大型的,经过验证的数据集上使用这些统计方法,我们将深度作为预后因素排除在外,并确定年龄,症状持续时间,大小,等级,边缘和放疗是局部复发和特定疾病死亡率的重要预后因素。



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