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West Africa seed development unit (WASDU): strengthening the production and marketing of healthy planting materials of root and tuber crops


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In most countries of West Africa root and tuber crops play a major role in national food security and contribute significantly to the economy. Cassava, yam, cocoyam and plantain constitute over 50% of the Agricultural Gross Domestic Product in Ghana. The share of the total seed supply of the formal sector in West Africa rarely exceeds 10%. All other seed and planting materials are produced by the farmers themselves. Often, seeds and planting materials are just saved from the current harvest for the:next planting season and informal diffusion takes place among farmers within the community. WASDU was established in 1996 to strengthen seed production and marketing in West Africa. WASDU is targeting the most important food crops such as tropical root and tuber crops, cereals and legumes. The present paper will only deal with the often neglected root and tuber crops. Due-to the vegetative multiplication of these crops, pests and diseases are carried over from season to season and are building up, thus contributing to high yield losses. WASDU seeks to strengthen the root and tuber crops sector in West Africa through training of key staff, through assistance of national programs in on-farm varietal evaluation of improved varieties, through support in the provision, multiplication, distribution and maintenance of clean stocks of planting materials, through assistance in establishing certification schemes and through the provision of selected community-based seed programs with high quality planting material.
机译:在西非的大多数国家,块根和块茎作物在国家粮食安全中发挥重要作用,并为经济做出了重要贡献。木薯,山药,可可粉和车前草占加纳农业国内生产总值的50%以上。西非正规部门种子总供应量的份额很少超过10%。所有其他种子和种植材料均由农民自己生产。通常,下一个种植季节的种子和种植材料只是从当前收获中节省下来的,并且非正式的传播发生在社区内的农民之间。 WASDU成立于1996年,旨在加强西非的种子生产和销售。 WASDU的目标是最重要的粮食作物,例如热带根和块茎作物,谷物和豆类。本文仅涉及经常被忽视的块根和块茎作物。由于这些作物的无性繁殖,病虫害在每个季节都被转移并积聚,从而造成高产损失。 WASDU寻求通过培训关键人员,通过国家计划对改良品种进行农场品种评估的国家方案,通过支持提供,繁殖,分配和维持干净的种植种群来加强西非的块根和块茎作物部门。通过建立认证计划的协助以及通过提供精选的基于社区的种子计划以及高质量的种植材料来提供材料。



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