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Beyond Credentials: The Effect of Physician Sex and Specialty on How Physicians Are Perceived


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The experiment investigated the effect of physician sex and specialty on participants' perceptions of doctors. Participants (N = 206) viewed a physician profile (male/female orthopedic surgeon or male/female dermatologist) and then evaluated the physician on a survey. While male participants reported they would be more willing to see a female physician and believed female physicians would be more caring, female participants reported they would be more willing to see physicians in counter-stereotypical specialties and rated them as more caring. The study suggests that not only do men and women focus on different things in selecting physicians but also that negative stereotypes of female physicians have dramatically decreased.
机译:实验研究了医生性别和专长对参与者对医生的看法的影响。参与者(N = 206)查看了医生的个人资料(男性/女性骨科医生或男性/女性皮肤科医生),然后在调查中对医师进行了评估。尽管男性参与者报告说他们更愿意去看女医生,并且相信女性医生会得到更多的照顾,但是女性参与者报告说他们更愿意去看那些具有反刻板印象专长的医生,并且将他们评为更加关心。该研究表明,男性和女性在选择医生时不仅专注于不同的事情,而且女性医生的负面刻板印象已大大减少。



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