首页> 外文期刊>Current Psychology >Biased Evaluation of Abstracts Depending on Topic and Conclusion: Further Evidence of a Confirmation Bias Within Scientific Psychology

Biased Evaluation of Abstracts Depending on Topic and Conclusion: Further Evidence of a Confirmation Bias Within Scientific Psychology


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The present paper investigated whether academic psychologists show a tendency to rate the quality and appropriateness of scientific studies more favorably when results and conclusions are consistent with their own prior beliefs (i.e., confirmation bias). In an online experiment, 711 psychologists completed a questionnaire (e.g., about their belief in astrology) and evaluated research that was presented in form of a short abstract in which 40 different behaviors (e.g., alcohol consumption, willingness to share money) have been tried to be predicted. The research to be evaluated varied on three dimensions which were all manipulated between subjects: (1) the predictors of the 40 behaviors (either Big Five or astrological factors), (2) the methodological quality of the study (low, medium, high), and (3) the results and subsequent conclusion of the study (confirmation or disconfirmation of the hypotheses). Factor-analyzed scores of participants' ratings on 8 scales, resulting in 2 factors termed quality and appropriateness, served as dependent measures. The main result of the study is a two-way interaction: Psychologists tended to evaluate results qualitatively higher when they conformed to their own prior expectations, as in this case, when astrological hypotheses were disconfirmed.
机译:本文研究了当结果和结论与他们先前的信念(即确认偏见)相一致时,学术心理学家是否表现出更倾向于对科学研究的质量和适当性进行评分的趋势。在一个在线实验中,711名心理学家完成了一份问卷(例如,关于他们对占星术的信念),并评估了以简短摘要形式提出的研究,其中尝试了40种不同的行为(例如,饮酒,分享金钱的意愿)待预测。待评估的研究在三个维度上有所不同,这些维度均在受试者之间进行操作:(1)40种行为的预测因子(五大或占星因素),(2)研究的方法论质量(低,中,高) ,以及(3)研究的结果和随后的结论(对假设的确认或否定)。通过因子分析对参与者的评分进行8种量表评分,得出2个因子,即质量和适当性,作为相关性度量。该研究的主要结果是双向互动:心理学家倾向于在符合自己先前的期望的情况下对结果进行定性更高的评估,例如在这种情况下,当星相假设被否定时。



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