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Fifty Years of Fashion and Feminism: Early Career Recognition, Community Involvementand Sociopolitical Identities in a Sample of NationallyRecognized Women


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honored for college contributions were examined between 1 and 50 yearspost award to determine their personality and social clock projects, examine thedegree to which the women remained politically and civically involved over theirlater adulthood; and to understand the impact early achievement may have had onfeminist attitudes. Utilizing a series of personality, political ideology, feministattitude and generative concern and action scales along with life history data,women's feminine social clock projects were compared with personality variablesand descriptively compared with earlier published reports on mid century women'ssocial clock projects (Helson et al. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology46:1079-1096,1984). With the exception of 1970 era winners, women's social clockprojects across multiple eras remain consistent with earlier findings. Regressionanalyses indicate political ideology predicts feminist attitudes and politicalbehaviors, whereas identity achievement personality variables predict generativeconcern.
机译:在获得奖项后的1至50年间,对获得大学荣誉的人进行了审查,以确定她们的个性和社会钟表项目,检查妇女在成年后仍在政治和民间参与的程度;并了解早期成就对女性主义态度的影响。利用一系列人格,政治意识形态,女性身份和生成的关注与行动量表以及生活史数据,将女性的女性社会钟计划与人格变量进行比较,并与早期发表的有关中世纪女性社会钟计划的报告进行描述性比较(Helson等(《人格与社会心理学杂志》 46:1079-1096,1984)。除了1970年代的获奖者外,跨多个时代的女性社会钟表项目与早期的发现保持一致。回归分析表明,政治意识形态预测女性主义态度和政治行为,而身份成就个性变量则预测生成关注。



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