首页> 外文期刊>Biochemistry and Cell Biology >Pre-implantation alcohol exposure and developmental programming of FASD: an epigenetic perspective

Pre-implantation alcohol exposure and developmental programming of FASD: an epigenetic perspective


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Exposure to alcohol during in-utero development can permanently change the developmental programming of physiological responses, thereby increasing the risk of neurological illnesses during childhood and later adverse health outcomes associated with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). There is an increasing body of evidence indicating that exposure to alcohol during gestation triggers lasting epigenetic alterations in offspring, long after the initial insu together, these studies support the role of epigenetics in FASD etiology. However, we still have little information about how ethanol interferes with the fundamental epigenetic reprogramming wave (e.g., erasure and re-establishment of DNA methylation marks) that characterizes pre-implantation embryo development. This review examines key epigenetic processes that occur during pre-implantation development and especially focus on the current knowledge regarding how prenatal exposure to alcohol during this period could affect the developmental programming of the early stage pre-implantation embryo. We will also outline the current limitations of studies examining the in-vivo and in-vitro effects of alcohol exposure on embryos and underline the next critical steps to be taken if we want to better understand the implicated mechanisms to strengthen the translational potential for epigenetic markers for non-invasive early detection, and the treatment of newborns that have higher risk of developing FASD.



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