首页> 外文期刊>Bioethics >Expanded FDA regulation of health and wellness apps

Expanded FDA regulation of health and wellness apps


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This paper argues that the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) policy for health and wellness apps is ethically problematic. Currently, the FDA does not regulate health and wellness apps that are not intended for medical use. As a result of this hands-off policy, preventing harm to consumers is left primarily to developers and app marketplaces. We argue that the FDA's duties to prevent harm and maintain accountability to the American public require that they play a much stronger role. We also discuss concerns about efficiency and fostering innovation, and argue that while they should help shape FDA regulation of health and wellness apps, they do not justify complete absence of FDA involvement.
机译:本文认为,食品和药物管理局(FDA)健康和健康应用程序的政策是道德问题的。 目前,FDA不规范不适用于医疗用途的健康和健康应用。 由于这种脱离政策,防止对消费者的伤害主要留给开发人员和应用市场。 我们认为,FDA防止危害和维持美国公众责任的职责要求他们发挥着更强大的作用。 我们还讨论了对效率和培养创新的担忧,并争论他们应该帮助塑造FDA对健康和健康应用的监管,但他们并不是完全没有FDA参与的合理性。



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