首页> 外文期刊>Bioethics >The Nuffield Council's green light for genome editing human embryos defies fundamental human rights law

The Nuffield Council's green light for genome editing human embryos defies fundamental human rights law


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In July 2018, the Nuffield Council on Bioethics released the report Genome editing and human reproduction: Social and ethical issues, concluding that human germline modification of human embryos for implantation is not 'morally unacceptable in itself' and could be ethically permissible in certain circumstances once the risks of adverse outcomes have been assessed and the procedure appears 'reasonably safe'. The Nuffield Council set forth two main principles governing anticipated uses and envisions applications that may include health enhancements as a public health measure. This essay provides a critique of three aspects in the Nuffield Council's Report: its presumption of therapeutic efficacy, its inflation of parental rights to create a certain type of child, and its reliance on a specially commissioned report that appears to distort key definitions in international law.
机译:2018年7月,Nuffield生物伦理委员会发布了报告基因组编辑和人类繁殖:社会和道德问题,结论是人类种系改性人类胚胎对植入的影响并非“在道德上是不可接受的”,并且可以在某些情况下在道德上允许的 已经评估了不利结果的风险,程序似乎“合理安全”。 Nuffield委员会规定了有两项预期用途的主要原则,并设想可能包括卫生增强作为公共卫生措施的申请。 本文在纳菲尔德议会的报告中提供了三个方面的批评:它的审判疗效推定,其父母权利的通胀造成某种类型的儿童,以及依赖于专门委托的报告,似乎扭曲了国际法的关键定义 。



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