首页> 外文期刊>BioTechniques >Bi-directional Dideoxy Fingerprinting (Bi-ddF): Rapid and Efficient Screening for Mutations in the Big Blue~(TM) Trans-genie Mouse Mutation Detection System

Bi-directional Dideoxy Fingerprinting (Bi-ddF): Rapid and Efficient Screening for Mutations in the Big Blue~(TM) Trans-genie Mouse Mutation Detection System

机译:双向双脱氧指纹图谱(Bi-ddF):Big Blue〜(TM)转基因小鼠突变检测系统中突变的快速高效筛选

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Single-stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP) is currently the most widely used method for screening for mutations. SSCP does not detect all sequence changes, and its sensitivity depends on the sequence and size of the segment screened. For a sequence of about 200 bp, the observed sensitivities are often in the range of 60%-90%. For larger segments, the sensitivity is decreased. Dideoxy fingerprinting (cldF) is performed by elec-trophoresing one lane of a Sanger dideoxy termination reaction through a non-denaturing gel. ddF can screen a 250-bp segment with essentially 100% sensitivity.
机译:单链构象多态性(SSCP)是目前使用最广泛的突变筛选方法。 SSCP不能检测到所有序列变化,其敏感性取决于所筛选片段的序列和大小。对于约200 bp的序列,观察到的灵敏度通常在60%-90%的范围内。对于较大的段,灵敏度会降低。通过非变性凝胶电泳Sanger双脱氧终止反应的一个泳道,即可进行双脱氧指纹图谱(cldF)。 ddF可以以基本100%的灵敏度筛选250 bp的片段。



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