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Parental sleep quality and continuous glucose monitoring system use in children with type 1 diabetes


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To compare sleep quality and sleep-wake patterns in parents of children with type 1 diabetes before routine use of the continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS) and while using it. Thirteen parents completed the Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), a 7-day sleep diary, and wore an actigraph (a wristwatch-size motion detector) during the night for 1 week before pediatric use of CGMS and 4-8 weeks after initiating routine use of the CGMS. Mean age of parents (ten mothers, three fathers) was 39 (range 32-47) years; mean age of children was 9.3 years (range 5.5-16.5 years); mean disease duration was 3.4 (range 0.6-11.2) years. PSQI total score demonstrated similar quality of sleep with and without use of the CGMS (4.6 and 4.9, respectively, p = 0.45). Six of the 13 parents reported severe sleep problems (PSQI ≥ 5) with and without the CGMS. The sleep diary indicated a greater number of awakening episodes during CGMS use than without the CGMS (1.6 and 1, respectively, p = 0.03), and actigraphy documented an increase in the number of wake bouts (22.9 and 19.7, p = 0.03) as well as in total wake time (48.3 and 42.2 min, p = 0.03) during CGMS use as compared with the period prior to CGMS use. Although self-perception of sleep quality remained unchanged, CGMS use appeared to affect actual parental sleep continuity somewhat negatively. This should be made clear to parents who may hold expectations of improvement in sleep quality following initiation of CGMS use.
机译:在常规使用连续血糖监测系统(CGMS)之前和使用期间,比较1型糖尿病儿童父母的睡眠质量和睡眠-觉醒模式。 13位父母完成了为期7天的睡眠日记《匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(PSQI)》,并在小儿使用CGMS之前的1周内和开始常规操作后的4-8周内于夜间佩戴了活动记录仪(手表大小的运动探测器) CGMS的使用。父母的平均年龄(十个母亲,三个父亲)为39岁(32-47岁);儿童的平均年龄为9.3岁(范围5.5-16.5岁);平均疾病持续时间为3.4年(范围0.6-11.2)。 PSQI总分显示出使用和不使用CGMS时的睡眠质量相似(分别为4.6和4.9,p = 0.45)。 13名父母中有6名报告有和没有CGMS的严重睡眠问题(PSQI≥5)。睡眠日记显示,使用CGMS期间的觉醒次数比没有使用CGMS时更多(分别为1.6和1,p = 0.03),并且书法记录表明,随着CGMS的唤醒次数增加(22.9和19.7,p = 0.03)。以及使用CGMS之前的总唤醒时间(48.3和42.2分钟,p = 0.03)。尽管对睡眠质量的自我认知保持不变,但使用CGMS似乎会对父母实际的睡眠连续性产生负面影响。父母应该明确这一点,他们可能对开始使用CGMS后可能改善睡眠质量抱有期望。



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