首页> 外文期刊>Acoustics Letters >Investigation of pianoforte tone in relation to the pianist's touch

Investigation of pianoforte tone in relation to the pianist's touch


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The subject of pianoforte acoustics has been debated for almost a century, from the time that Tobias Matthay published his 'Act of Touch' in 1903. The associated problem of piano technique can be divided into four broad phases; (1) a quasi-harpsichord technique applied in earlier times to piano playing; with its consequent stiffness and cramped playing; (2) a swing of the pendulum in the opposite direction, at the beginning of the twentieth century which taught the concept of 'total relaxation'; (3) Specialists in the scientific field questioning the pedagogical theories - arrived at mostly by empirical means, taking the problem into their laboratories for experimental verification and arriving at their own conclusions, the consequence of which leaves much to be desired; and finally (4) the possibility of reconciling the evidence of our senses with the facts of science, through scientific methodology. This paper analyses each of the above phases from the acoustical point of view, pointing out the need for a standardization of pianoforte technique brought about through a comprehensive background understanding of the acoustics of the modern pianoforte.
机译:自从托比亚斯·马特海(Tobias Matthay)在1903年发表他的《触动法》以来,关于送琴声学的话题一直争论了近一个世纪。与钢琴技术有关的问题可以分为四个主要阶段: (1)在较早的时期应用于钢琴演奏的准大键琴技术;其结果是僵硬和局促; (2)在20世纪初,钟摆向相反方向摆动,该摆动教导了“完全放松”的概念; (3)科学领域的专家对教育学理论提出质疑-主要是通过经验手段得出的,将问题带入实验室进行实验验证并得出自己的结论,其结果尚不尽人意;最后(4)通过科学方法论将我们的感官证据与科学事实相协调的可能性。本文从声学的角度分析了上述每个阶段,指出了对钢琴送琴技巧的标准化的需要,这是通过对现代钢琴送琴的声学的全面背景了解而实现的。



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